Tyrell - Rains of Castamere - End of Cycle 4

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
CHAMPION STAHLECK 2017 71 55 24 1.0
Inspiration for
Tyrell - Rains of Castamere (Cy 4 - Ch 6 - V 2) 0 0 0 2.0

Benji 764

This deck is simply an update of Harren's CE deck in the current metagame.

Change I made and suggestions :

  • Adding Mace Tyrell x3.
    However, I will not play Hightower in a metagame with many 4--7-1 and almost no other non-limited locations. I will simply keep the Summer plotline usually used with him and the Kings of Summer agenda. I also play Arbor Vineyard instead of The Roseroad. Even if it's less efficient at setup, the metagame is slower with Dohaeris so on the intermediate/long run it's probably more efficient.

  • Breaking Ties instead of Wildfire Assault. The second is mainly here to search a Mace/Randyll by yourself. I believe Breaking Tires will be overall more impacting.

  • Only one copie of the KoF, in his The Knight of Flowers (HoT) version because she is more Dohaeris friendly and 5- gold is expensive in this deck (even if [The Knight of Flowers (Core)](/card/01185, is better imho).

  • Removal of Highgarden Courtier because it is a bit shaky and suffer Burn. Resisting Valar Morghulis in The Wars To Come metagame has become more important.

  • Calling the Banners instead of A Noble Cause because I think the risk of shaky economy is worthy of it, if you have initiative 6.

  • Weapons at the Door pourrait ĂȘtre remplacĂ© par A Clash of Kings but you don't really need what the last gives you, and the first opens the heavy attachment decks in Martell.

  • 2-gold locations Horn Hill and Renly's Pavilion are a bit expensive but they are the only reusable STR boosts. The first must no be bestowed at maximum, and you have to reflex about opponent's 4-7-1 if you plan to Bestow 2.

  • The Queen of Thorns (HoT) is good in this metagame and I reflexed about two/three copies, but she is not enough impressive to worth it.
1 comment

Benji 764

This deck was used in playtesting for The Hand's Tournament.

I really liked him and made my own setup with the archetype.

Hope you will find that useful.