S**t gold, pump and swing - Winner at BD Cosmos Montreal SC

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

cadupa96 82

Finished second place in swiss, and managed to win in the cut. Deck was inspired from a list found on the french forum (really good forum btw), then worked on until I felt satisfied with each of the 60 cards in the deck. Really enjoyed playing the deck during the tournament, the Rose banner offer so much to oppose Targ (which I expected to see a lot during the tourney) and to control the challenge phase in general, letting your renown big guys do their job and pushing/defending the PttS.

I was also really happy with the plot list I ran, especially with Filthy Accusations and Wildfire Assault. Being able to kneel the Hound or Dany was key in some of my matches for tempo, and Wildfire was useful in almost every games (Targ really don’t like that plot especially, too many multiple unique characters).

R1 (W): Stark/Lion, first turn he marshal Ned alongside a Grey Wind on setup. I managed to win the intrigue challenge, drawing a Tears of Lys with Lannisport (lucky), killing Ned. Second turn I kneel Grey Wind and manage to put enough pressure with Jaime and Tyrion, achieving victory a couple of turns later.

R2 (W): Night’s Watch/Wolf, he setup a Ranging Party and Sansa with 1 cost reducer, and fetched Aemon first turn. He managed to milk my Tywin (only milk I saw the entire tournament), which I confiscated the turn after. He marshaled the Wall turn 3 I think, but I managed to get an unopposed military challenge by cancelling his Castle Black on a power challenge when he defended with his only mil character on the board. After that, my renown big guys did their job.

R3 (W): Lanni/Rose mirror, I marshaled Tywin first turn and had better economy than my opponent the entire game. I played carefully to avoid being PttS, letting my renown guys slowly accumulating the power needed to win. Was a long game though, many calculations were to be made each turn!

R4 (W): Targ/Lion, once again saw and played Tywin early, and made a stupid mistake early on by putting the seal on him instead of Margaery, wasting a whole turn in the challenge in order to avoid getting burned (he had Dany dupped on board). Next turn I knelt Dany and managed to PttS his only dragon on board, so was able to safely pass my challenges with Jaime and Tywin, cancelling a Handmaiden to avoid Dany to stand. After that I don’t really remember what happened, but eventually I took the win.

R5 (L): Targ/Rose, I kept a 3 cards setup hand (Joffrey, Lannisport and Iron Throne) because I had Tywin and a HJ in hand, thinking it would be good for the match-up. Played Tywin first turn, keeping 2 gold to be able to ambush a Burned Men later on. Challenge phase, I played wrong by attacking with Tywin on intrigue in order to draw (I was low on economy and found I needed the draw) instead of passing, which cost me the game. He eventually declared a mil that I opposed with the Burned Men, and he played Tears of Lys on my Joffrey. Next turn he obv. Matched my Tywin and that was game from that point.

Top 4 (W): Lanni/Rose rematch, I setup Tywin a merchant and a 0 cost location (dream setup). This time he managed to play Tywin turn 1, but I on the other hand managed to play Tyrion and Jaime same turn, so I had the advantage early on. He played very well each turn to avoid the PttS I had since turn 1, but I slowly started to accumulate power with my guys, achieving victory. Another difficult and long game with a lot of math to do.

Finals (W): Targ/Rose rematch, I once again safely setup Tywin (lucky bastard), and drew Margaery early on. However, his two standing dragons forced me to pump Tywin each turn and keep at least one gold in order to safely attack. He marshaled Dany on turn 2 I think, and he managed that turn to avoid the PttS. Next turn though, I knelt Dany and managed to do a 20 STR mil challenge, which was enough to kill her. After that point I played Wildfire to get rid of one of his dragons (board now Tywin Marg anf KoF against Randyll Marg and Raegal), and because I had Jaime and Randyll in hand to get the advantage right after. After that he managed to continue to accumulate power with his Randyll, but my board was eventually too much for him to manage (I remember cancelling his last Dracarys with HJ at some point too). Was a really good game!

Congrats on Matt for being undefeated in swiss and on his great skills, on Alex for the two good games we played together, on Montreal Meta mate Daniel for achieving top 4 on his first Agot SC and on big guy Julien Vazquez for running the SC like a boss.


Asukarulez 1

El Hombre Misterioso 1

Glad your big guys took it down. We all know what you will be spending all those FFG bucks on: i.imgur.com

@AsukarulezNew Day Rocks.

Asukarulez 1

@El Hombre Misterioso“My little pony jabronis” #Rooty #Tooty #Booty

cadupa96 82

Asukarulez 1

@cadupa96YFW FFG bucks are worth less then Bison Bucks

El Hombre Misterioso 1

MFW no meme arrows on this site: i.imgur.com

DanSolo 79

Very cool deck, Gratz on the win!!! Matt had a great deck and played it VERY well, no wonder he went undefeated during Swiss…I’m sure it must have been a cool final (to bad I was already drinking beer!) Thanks for the Pat on the back in your final comments, hopefully we’ll play each other next time!