Doggy Style (38 players Bologna tournament winner)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Stark Fealty 0 0 0 1.0
Stark Sacrifice Build (Mostly new cards) 0 0 0 1.0

baralai 296

Winner of 14/02/2016 Bologna (italy) winter tournament.

38 players, 6 swiss round, top 8. 1 defeat

I tried to write a description.. But this deck do really a lot of things.. Is really hard and long try to write everything about boardstate, playstyle sinergy etc..

I will answer any question, it is simpler :)


Bayushi Sezaru 684

Great aggro deck, with some combo stuff. Overall winner of the largest italian 2.0 event so far (38 players Winter Kit).

Euro Bruh 90

Stark fealty wins in Italy? What, were the other factions left out of the core set overseas? Lol jk Congratulations on your win. Winter has finally come!

Bayushi Sezaru 684

Meta was mostly Targaryen and Lannister (many Fealty, a few banners), and every house except Martell was present. Most of the deck's success is due to its pilot, anyway, I guess... :)

Markdrive82 124

Congrats! Very nice twist on Stark. Quick q, how did kennel master and head on spikes performed for you?

baralai 296

@Markdrive82 kennel master enables a lot of nasty tricks. The simple fact you can put a direwolf into a challenge after attackers and defenders are declared will cause your opponents some headaches. The fact you can switch lady on any character and than put it into challenge is even worse. And in some situation they are good military claim, or greywind's food if you need to stand the board.

Head on spike is good because: -worst case scenario: you win an intrigue challenge. -normal scenario: you win an intrigue challenge, a military challenge and an unopposed power challenge. -Best case scenario: like above, but you took Tywin.

This plot have good gold, initiative and reserve stats, can destroy opponent turn (or even the game) and helps with power rush run, or discard cards like dracarys/treachery/etc wich is always good. Only roseroad is bad.

Winnetou19 1

Congrats on the win! I do have to ask though, why didn't you play any Winter is Coming?

xikitins 53

Congratz for succes! I want to know the main goal of the deck. Power rush or heavy military? Plots like Feast of crows or A clash of kings use to be use in power focused deck, but Stark is more military agroo oriented. What is the main strategy of deck? Agroo or power? Generally speaking, you want to go first or second?

Bayushi Sezaru 684

It is definitely a power rush deck!

baralai 296

@Winnetou19Thank you very much! despite his great utility i found winter is coming less desiderable in this targ/lanni meta than warm rain. I built the deck trying to have the best possible setup, reducing non-setupable card to 12 (8 excluding arya summer and finger). This deck use often the faction card to discount, and must save one gold to move lady in challenge phase (to untap sansa, win challenge, enable kennel master etc). I found hard play winter is coming.

@xikitinsas bayushi said is a power rush board control deck. The main strategy is gather power as fast as possible, creating a board that put opponent in real trouble. Military challenge are useful only to trigger ice if needed or gain some renown power. Basically the point is that the opponent must find a way trough your board but: -high str character put some obstacles -for the north and lady put some calculation effort -kennel master allows you to set some trap (es: power with kennel master. If not overopposed here come greywind to kneel one of your character. Or robb/eddard with renown. If overopposed gg, your big guy is knelt), or avoid others -eddard/greywind/robb allows you to untap after a strong defence (maybe only to gain another renown counter) -feast of crows set another trap, since opponent must try to win his challenge, defend from yours and avoid your dominance win (pretty easy with all untap effects and high str character).

istaril 566

@baralaiAre the full standings for the Bologna tournament available anywhere? They're not in The Annals

Bayushi Sezaru 684

@istaril you can find them among these pictures:

There are final swiss standings and top8 bracket.

baralai 296

1st Vs tyrell fealty

2nd Vs lannister fealty

3rd Vs greyjoy banner of the sun

4th Vs greyjoy fealty

5th Vs targa fealty (Lost)

6th Vs targa fealty

-Third before cut-

Quarter Vs lannister fealty (same opponent of 2nd swiss turn)

Semi Vs targa fealty (same opponent 6th swiss turn)

Final Vs lanni fealty (undefeated 1st player before cut)

istaril 566

@baralaiThanks! I'll be sure to add those to the Annals - the database has almost no submissions from Italy at all.

Ser Luke Seawalkers 1

this deck is really strong but also very fun to play. I played a lot of matches against and it is very hard to beat, especially because those who use it is also very good. compliments

Fruggles 106

Why not 3 Pups instead of 3 Grey Wind? Seems like a military rush deck anyways, so is Grey Wind's ability really so vital over a stronger/more consistent board state?

baralai 296

Is not a military rush, is a power rush. Greywind is the core of the deck, since can kill tiny silly character (picelle, caleotte, edric, selyse, etc), can untap my board eating a tumblestone/steward/kennel) or trigger a safe intimidate in any challenge with kennel (ex: power with sansa. If opposed by 2 or less put greywind in challenge and intimidate enemy 4 str char. If overopposed gg, you tapped a big guy. Start another challenge than untap the board and defend yourself, or win dominance)

eldub 2

Share with us on The White Book?

baralai 296

@eldubdone :)

Wessex 1

Any particular match-up you don't like with this deck? I saw that you lost to one Tag Fealty deck but beat the other one twice.

Wessex 1

Also curious as to the omittence of Hand's Judgement, are you not worried about Treachery?

thebjorn 7

Bran solves all event related problems :)

baralai 296

@Wessextarg is a good matchup since dracarys can be handled with catelyn/brann and +2 str from ice/lady/forthenorth. Lannister also is a good matchup, but must be played carefuly since tyrion can stealth catelyn opening kill with tears, or just start a huge military challenge and put someone to the sword easly. Greyjoy is the easiest thanks to the high number of attachments and high str character, catelyn deny any further unopposed bonus. I think the worse matchup (except another stark) is tyrell.

Yeah, i'm worried about treachery. But you can simply call an intrigue challenge with catelyn and untap the board with greywind/robb (and triggering sansa) in a totally safe way. Same apply with ice kills if you have a lady and a kennel master. In any other case you have brann. If not enough, they will have their treachery and just go on :)

akenathon80 1

Congratulation for the result! Would you make Any changes after the tournament? an eventually second Milk(after your confiscation) on robb can be a big problem for the rush? Usually do you prefer to start for second? (Except vs greygoy)

Someuberdude 17

Just played this to a top 2 finish at the Southern Assault tournament here in Florida. Super fun deck and I highly recommend playing it. Alot of fealty at the tounament, played against bara, lanni, greyjoy and targ fealty. My only loss came from the same lanni/wolf player in both the Swiss and the finals. Kudos to you sir for this decklist.

Esmo 69

Which plot do you start with usually? Big guys out asap? Haven't tried the deck yet, but looks superfun!

Solaris 1

Congrats on your win! I'm happy to see a Starks deck performing so well in the tournament. Definitely going to test your ideas on my deck since I'm always looking for improvements.

Serazu 1

Congratulations on your impressive result. I never thought that doggy style is the best position to shag one's opponents. Pray tell, how does this deck fare against Baratheon? Is the lack of Seal condemning or are Eddard and Rob enough to take care of the issue?

Adrianinottawa 1

Love this deck

Obtuse 7

Congratulations on your win! I've felt like Stark has been very underrated for awhile now.

Would you change anything to slot in Wolf Dreams with the new pack?

baralai 296

@Esmousually i start with head on spikes. The "big guy" drop is matchup dependant

@Solaristhanks a lot! Any improvement advice you have is wellcome!

@Serazuahahah! Thanks! Bara is an easy matchup since you can rush faster. Robb and grewind helps you control the board, eddard is a pain for bara. Anyway ice can break easly bara trinity, and greywind kill almost everithing but the trinity :) try it!

@Adrianinottawathank you very much!!

@Obtusethanks! I think i Will drop the warm rains for 2 Dreams. Lanni and targ presence is dropping, after all. Or maybe keep one rain and drop a 4thenorth. I like see terror in tyrion's eyes when i pass challenge phase with 1 gold and a standing pup! :)

kirkius 1

@baralai Thanks dude, I took my Store Championship with this build! I love playing this and have been having great success in almost all match ups I have tried.

Solaris 1

Would you update this deck with Ser Rodrik Cassel? I'm thinking about adding one with an Eddard Stark since Insight for all unique Stark character seems like card drawing on steroid.

Esmo 69

Took a store championship with this deck, with following changes: -1 littlefinger, -1 like warm rain, -1 for the north!, +1 maester luwin, +2 wolf dreams. Thanks, baralai!

Jushirou 1

This deck rocks! :D I replaced Eddard with 2x Redrik and Luwin and also cut one lady for Winterfell Castle which is surprisingly good in certain matchups :) thx for sharing :)

Lord_Bloodrun 1

Great Deck ty for sharing Baralai. Made just one minor change +2 Hodor / -2 Tumblestone and it held up very well against some very competitive decks in a mini tournament last night. Lost only to a very aggressive stealth heavy GJ Fealty in a great bout. Love it!