Targaryen LotC - Spring OCTGN Tournament 2016 Second Place

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Targaryen Crossing Bloodriders 1 0 0 2.0

Shadowist 46

Deck that (+/- a few cards) got me through the final 4 rounds of the OCTGN tournament, lost twice to Steve Cantrell, playing Lannister/Banner of the Kraken and Martell/Banner of the lion in the finals.


eldub 2

Would you mind submitting to The White Book? www.whitebookpodcast.com

aron13 1

Nice deck! What do you think about the new targ cards. I would like to dit jhogo, maybe -2 unsullied +2 jhogo?

Shadowist 46

That's a good point. I had been thinking about Jhogo (mainly about how I didn't like him very much) but viewing him as a modified unsullied has merit. Still probably only a 1x due to ward, if that - The unsullied still help burn (through plaza as well as dracarys). Pyre is amazing, but this deck is really tight on event slots already so it would be difficult to decide what to cut.