The Night's Watch Wildling Jon 2.0

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
The Night's Watch Wildling Jon 5 1 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

Nickgame 252


Sammy 40

great deck but what is with dalla? nightswatch card draw ;)

FredInRealLife 247

This deck looks like it's starting to come together. I'm assuming Jaremy Rykker is for the Sworn to the Watch Combo? Gives Jon Snow a power icon I suppose. I think it'd personally drop 2x Jarremy and 3x Sworn for something different. Maybe another ranging party, 2-3x Satin for more/better new gift triggers.

Denadamedacro 34

I like this a lot! Really hoping to construct my own NW/Wildlings smash people up deck. How do you find your econ is? I don't see a plot ccard above 5 gold. Does that ever become an issue? Especially with KoW?