Stark Fealty 2nd place Stahleck 2015 2.0 Tourney (4-1 in Swi

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Stark Fealty 0 0 0 1.0
Ice - Core Set Only - Friendly Open 2 1 0 1.0

Bragonlair 230

This is the deck I used at the 2.0 Tourney of Stahleck.During the Swiss I won against a Targaryen Banner of the Lion, 2 Greyjoy Fealty and a Baratheon Banner of the Kraken, and i lost against a Targaryen Fealty. In top 4 i faced another Greyjoy Fealty but i lost the final against a Baratheon Fealty.


papella 3

Good one! The intrigue additions looks fine

zarius 169

@Bragonlair, how many people did participate? I didn’t read any report for that tourney.

Archmaester Ned 37

Hi Pandalo , congratz again ! `@zarius 80 players

Lawyer 426

@zarius80 players, very good for a side event. Anyway grats Pandalo, we are wey proud of you! hope to see you soon!

zarius 169

@Lawyer yeah, great number. Congratulations @Bragonlair! Stark is one of the weakest for me.

Bragonlair 230

Thanks to all for the compliments! The main idea of the deck was try to build a Stark deck different from the “overkill” version that i never liked so much. So I tried to add some intrigue icon for more controll against others aggro decks and a little bit of effect sourprise given by Tears of Lys and A Game of Thrones.

celric 414

I’ve gotta pay my respects for the courage it takes to play Game of Thrones with 3 INT characters and some little birds.

PulseGlazer 367

Bronze 60

Yeah with the ‘A Game of Thrones’ plot I was expecting to see ‘Like Warm Rain’, but found it absent. I was expecting this a way to lure it in and trap one of their intrigue characters. Did this get tested and then thrown out?

gabsnow18 70

Hi Pandalo,congrats for the 2nd position! How good is the matchup against targaryen?How do You play against them?