16 cards

Name Faction Cost Type STR Traits Set
"A Lion Still Has Claws" House Lannister X Event Song. Hear My Words 14
Donella Hornwood House Stark 4 Character 3 House Hornwood. Lady. Called to Arms 21
Fealty Neutral Agenda Core Set 27
Littlefinger's Meddling Neutral Plot Kingdom. Scheme. Lions of Casterly Rock 49
Littlefinger's Meddling Neutral Plot Kingdom. Scheme. Redesigns 55
Maester Kedry House Martell 2 Character 1 Maester. Sands of Dorne 14
Our Blades are Sharp House Stark 1 Event House Bolton. Hear My Words 28
Paxter Redwyne House Tyrell 4 Character 3 House Redwyne. Lord. Core Set 182
Sea of Blood Neutral Agenda Prophecy. Kings of the Isles 45
Sea of Blood Neutral Agenda Prophecy. Redesigns 49
Silver Hair Net House Tyrell 2 Attachment Item. The Fall of Astapor 44
Support from the Iron Bank House Baratheon 0 Event Jade Sea 2
The Bastard of Godsgrace House Martell 5 Character 4 Bastard. Knight. House of Thorns 31
The Highroad Neutral 1 Location Westeros. As High as Honor 34
The Power of Wealth Neutral Agenda Valyrian Draft Set 1
Tourney Grounds Neutral 1 Location Contested. Westeros. Wolves of the North 42

16 cards