House Martell. Loyal.
Location. Cost: 1.


Action: Kneel The Water Gardens to reduce the cost of the next non-character card you marshal, play, or ambush this phase by X. X is the number of plot cards in your used pile.

There children frolicked naked in the sun, music played in tiled courtyards, and the air was sharp with the smell of lemons and blood oranges.
Carlos Palma Cruchaga
The Archmaester's Key #17.

Link: Decklists

The Water Gardens

Kneel The Water Gardens to reduce the cost of the next non-character you marshal, play, or ambush this phase by X. X is the number of plot cards in your used pile.

Should read

Kneel The Water Gardens to reduce the cost of the next non-character Card you marshal, play, or ambush this phase by X. X is the number of plot cards in your used pile.

Thanks, fixed! — mplain 239
Would Water Gardens reduce the cost of playing non character cards from Shadows? — SonOfBattles1 464
Can I use Water Gardens to reduce to cost of attachment put into play using agenda Valyrian Steel? — kawson 85

Rules FAQ

  • Water Gardens will not reduce the cost to marshal anything into shadows — basically, anything that affects the marshaling of a card with a certain characteristic will not affect marshaling a card into shadows. The game will look at the card being marshaled into shadows and see that characteristic as undefined (i.e. a card being marshaled into shadows cannot be defined as either “character” or “non-character” — it’s just a card being marshaled into shadows).

  • Water Gardens does reduce the cost of playing an event out of shadows. Playing an event from shadows is considered to be “playing an event,” and follows the same initiation process as playing an event from hand. By the time the process reaches Step 3 “Apply any modifiers to the cost,” the event can be defined as a “non-character card” that is being played and is thus eligible for the discount.