Night's Watch w/ Bara Defense

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Night's Watch w/ Bara Defense 0 0 1 2.0

scantrell24 3334

Delay until you win. I'm trying it without Wildifre, but Building Orders or Feast for Crows (which has low reserve - bad with Ravens) could be dropped. Sneak Attack is another option - high gold, high initiative, and we'd rather defend than initiate multiple challenges anyways (except when we have Jon Snow rolling with Longclaw). The list could use another Cressen since we don't have Confiscation, but we only really need to keep the Milks away from Melisandre.


Dippy 157

How do you find Jon Snow and the Wall working together? In my experiences with the Watch I don't feel there is place for both in a least not as 3-offs.

scantrell24 3334

Well I've only played the deck once. You're right that it's difficult to include both because they demand 3 copies each, and they're expensive, but most of my other cards are quite cheap so that helps. In a tournament I would want both Jon and the Wall so I have two paths to victory, because if one gets shut down the deck would not win before the time limit.

Dydra 1494

If you are going for dominance ticks, seems a crime not to include The Iron Throne . I'm playing currently a NW/Bara deck myself and I'm loving they way it works. However, quite different from yours.