Maester and Chill (Lannister, Conclave)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

ChrisChris 994

Back in those heady days of the first two cycles, when Lannister was on top, it had one significant weakness, its lack of low-cost power icons. If they couldn't find their Hound and if you could slip past a wall of Tywin, you could win if you survived the onslaught. There were fondly remembered games where I lost every military and intrigue challenge and couldn't force my own through but could forever chump power challenges, the challenge that actually wins you the game.

It's a different time now. Lannister's general card strength hasn't kept up with others, but Conclave has given it access to a stream of solid, low-cost power icons. That's nice! Let's do something with that!

Settle in because this deck is in for the long haul. The game plan is simple. Block the unopposed, whittle their hand through intrigue and maybe gain some power on the Small Council Chamber. Control your draw with Conclave. Kneel that threat with Paid Off. Maybe borrow your opponent's Nightmares or "Lord Renly's Ride" for fun with the Archmaester's Key. Things getting a bit rushy? Cancel out Randyll's renown with the Maester of Starfall. Things getting a little hairy? Clear that board with Varys and start over. Nothing flashy. Just keep working it, little by little. Be cool.

Game, set, match.

You're welcome.

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