Mace-ters: 7-1 overall in GNK and SC

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Von Wibble 191

So, pretty much as George "Jankers" Ankers was writing/posting his article about use of the Conclave (see several of the decks posted on this site), I had built up this deck.

It can be summed up as Tyrell good stuff with some Maesters thrown in, with the 2 key win conditions being Mace or Randyll (Garlan is also good with Randyll as the pair survive Valar D together). The Conclave is to me an underrated agenda that has a lot of good uses in Tyrell.

  • It allows me attachment control to protect Mace or Randyll thanks to having the option to search for Cressen.

  • Knowing and manipulating the top card of my deck makes Oldtown and Hightower spy very easy to trigger.

  • The Informer and Hightower both provide easy draw.

Generally my mulligan condition is as simple as economy. Ideally I would like to see a Redwyne Straits (Arbor if I'm really lucky).

In the GNK the deck was slightly different, having an extra crown (2 local players love Bara and King in the North) and Large Marge instead.

Round 1 - Richard Walker - Bara summer (might have been fealty)

Richard was using a deck focused on winning dom using all the 7 costers. He saw little economy however, and a fully pumped Garlan got through a good number of challenges to give me a big lead by the time Stannis and Bob were on the board. A timely Lord Renly's Ride (fetched by the agenda) helped ensure his bigs were intimidated at a key point of the game, and Mace finished it off.

Round 2 - Simon Martindale - Targ fealty

Simon had a voltron Selmy deck, which entered a bit of a race against Mace with Hightower. The agenda proved very valuable that game as it encouraged Simon to use his Consuming Flames on my chud maesters, leaving the Knight of Flowers fairly safe to grab power and renown. Early game Aemon did a lot of work soaking claim as Drogo was on the board. King KoF was also strong enough to consistently beat Selmy in challenges early doors. I kept missing that Selmy had intrigue challenges and bouncing these pointlessly off him with chuds, but apart from that was reasonably in control and got the 15th power with Oldtown in standing.

Round 3 - Final - Callum Gillespie - Stark Rains

Callum's deck was based around Roose abuse, getting large "claim" with him, Last Hearth, and then Winter is Coming and the Dreadfort Maesters. The game will be put up on the White Walkers channel (he says, hoping he didn't accidentally cheat at any point!). I somehow won despite losing 3 characters for 2 turns in a row, riding my luck as Oldtown netted me a character in marshalling with a guess and I topdecked a Milk for his 2nd Roose.

Reading SC

Round 1 - Ben Hunt - Martell Crossing - win (1-0)

Ben got off to a quick start with the Red Viper but I was able to find my Milk for him, and had Mace in position to get power plus Flowers. I was expecting Valar D instead of Valar M and hadn't yet duped Mace, so Ben wiped the board, taking a lot of my power too. Randyll then turned up with stand tech and his buddy Garlan to help me rush back into the game, much needed as Ben got to 12-6 in power totals at one point. In plot 6 Ben had went first and won an intrigue by 5 - fortunately for me he either wasn't running or hadn't seen his Doran's Game. Ben got to 13 power in the challenges phase and I was on 14, having missed on an Oldtown trigger. Just in case of any shenanigans I let Ben take dom and grabbed the 15th power in standing with Oldtown.

Round 2 - David "Daisy" Guest - Greyjoy Summer - win (2-0)

I setup Hightower as a lone location knowing from Daisy's agenda he couldn't be running Nothing Burns, plus chud. Although Daisy found all 3 Iron Mines very quickly to go with Victory and Black Wind, his board other than King Balon (Milked) and Threeon was virtually empty, and he had no intrigue presence at all early game, allowing me to use the agenda at will. Even when Daisy saw Euron on plot 2, he had his plans foiled by a Hightower Spy coming in and triggering on herself with a copy of Randyll - Daisy was not impressed. That copy of Randyll was combined with the 2 I had in hand, and Mace was out early with protection, so I got to 14 pretty quickly. On the turn I did this Daisy's board was at Theon, Euron, Balon, Helya, Aeron, and maybe 1 other unique. He won dom and impressively went from 3 to 9 power with Kingsmoot. I then won in standing by correctly guessing location with Oldtown - as my hand, board, and Conclave were almost all characters it seemed right.

Round 3 - James Parsons - Night's Watch Crossing - loss (2-1)

I started very slowly, choosing to do no challenges and just defend for the first 2 rounds (LSF first round, and facing For the Watch in the second round). James had a good ranger presence out with Rykker and Aemon around providing good protection. Round 1 he Milked my Randyll, and I used HTS to find Cressen to get rid of this. In round 3 I finally got going with Clash, risking an unduped Randyll and also using Garlan to jump from being 7-0 behind to 7-5 ahead, but James had strengthened his board further with 3 core Jon. Next round James used Valar M to my Valar D, the latter ensuring that Aemon and whichever character he would have knelt to save were at least gone. I saw less impactful characters than James in that turn, and James managed to get a Qhorin out to remain a threat in uo power and killing my uniques, but a conclave trigger to find Nightmares followed by Oldtown to draw it and the gold to play it kept my board at a reasonable level. Next round I had Mace out, who used his ability straight away on a Milked Courtier to remove this. James was however getting very close to the win and now had Grenn out to speed him up further, I had to use Nightmares on him that round. Going into the last round I was on 13 power to James's 10. I was chosen to go second, used Mace in draw (should have been plot, I know) to get to 14, then had him Milked with a top drawn card. I then made a mistake in challenges letting a military go through uo instead of defending with the Knight of Flowers and pumping him by enough with Crown, Marge, and Pavilion all as options. I then over committed to int defence to trigger the Conclave only to find James's other card was Nightmares, which was used on Oldtown. Thanks to Grenn, renown on Qhorin, and Crossing, James had enough to take the win.

Round 4 - Heather - Tyrell Crossing - win (3-1)

Facing another rush deck, and one that got very quick start with Queen of Thorns for Informants and the like, together with Garlan on setup, I played conservatively, making no challenges turn 1 (a LSF off where I went first). Plot 2 I used Clash to go second, and played out Randyll. Heather didn't see anyone as impactful, and although the Queen triggered a lot it was generally on chuds, leaving my stronger cards to get to the 15 power quicker. Caleotte proved particularly useful in this matchup - I really like the damned if you do damned if you don't aspect to going into challenges with him alone as fp.

Round 5 - James Waumsley - Targ Alliance Wolf Sun - win (4-1)

James's deck was an amazing thing to behold, and as it was unique and hasn't been posted to my knowledge I don't feel right mentioning too many of his tricks through the game. Suffice to say that although I got to a very fast lead with Randyll picking up power, I never felt in control of the game at all. I generally tried to flood the board with cheap guys, knowing James couldn't Ward/VB/Ramsey/Consuming Flames...them all. James didn't let me use the Conclave much at all, using Astapor to stop Aemon from triggering it - in fact my 1 trigger was for a Rose Garden as I had expansive guys in hand and even with Arbor and Redwyne out felt I'd need the money. There was a key turn where James had the choice of whether to use Viserys to discard a Bodyguard from unduped Randyll with lots of power on him or the Crown. He chose the crown, and then found a way to kill Randyll - unfortunately not one that didn't allow saves. I just edged the game 13-12 by winning dom in the last turn - as with the first game I avoided committing to challenges too much for fear of tricks. James graciously conceded at the point where I took that power. This game was the 1 time I hit with Forgotten Plans all day, getting, of all things, Favours from the Crown.

Although I was 4-1, my strength of schedule meant I missed the cut by 0.01. The only defeat to date is the game against James, where play mistakes cost me. I doubt however it would have beaten the combo deck that won - though it definitely beats that deck today thanks to the restricted list.

There is only 1 change I would make to the deck - I would replace LSF with Trading as the deck runs Valar D so can punish an opponent who gets too greedy with the gold.

When the Martell box comes out I don't think Kedry makes the deck as the events aren's common or expensive enough. I will try to make room for Off to Gulltown as this is perfect for Conclave, providing useful military icons as well as giving another option for challenge phase draw. I am less sold on Leyton (the deck doesn't lack for money and its quite a slow option) or Bacon (like it but can't find room).


suhuaiyu 1

under what circumstances will you use Forgotten plans?

Kentucky Shaun 39

I had a couple fun games with this deck versus the Trag/Fealty 2017 Champ deck.

We both played Trading with the Pentoshi turn one. My opponent managed to get out Daenerys, all three hatchlings, Viserys and a couple chuds by the first challenge phase. I focused on getting out Oldtown, the Hightower, a House Maester, Aemon, Lomys and Caleotte. During challenges, I ambused in an Oldtown Informer and weathered his first turn. Second round, I flipped Valar Doheris. I shuffled back Lomys while my opponent lost everything but Daenerys and Rhaegal. From there I got out Randyll Tarly with a bodyguard and next round a duped Mace Tyrell.

Between the Conclave and Oldtown, I got about three VPs. Randyll picked up two from renown. I won during marshalling on the fourth round by paying a gold to give Mace a power.

This was a good deck, but you've definitely got to make sure to get your locations out and go wide on the maesters while your opponent (hopefully) goes for big guys in his early rounds so you can leverage Valar D. The time I lost was because I put out big guys too soon and couldn't flip Valar D without hurting myself more. Start slow to set the Valar D trap and focus on setting up the maester/Conclave/Oldtown synergy.

Kentucky Shaun 39

Also, I forgot the opponent was playing Targ/Crossing. Aemon was valuable in mitigating his military claim. I didn't have a single dead character by the end of the game. Caleotte was another MVP. from my Valar D turn onwards, I was able to cancel Daenerys' intrigue or power icon each round to keep him from getting off his third challenge to leverage Crossing.