GJ Surprise Boatsex - Beanie Games Regional winner

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

mouchliazo 85

Alternative deck name: Prepare to be Underwhelmed

So this is what I played yesterday in Stockton. For those who are not aware, Beanie Games is the second stop of the Weekender Original Recipeā„¢, which means people are mostly playing more casual decks. The deck would probably be much better as a Wars to Come deck, but I wanted to play Raiding the Bay of Ice, so there you go. Highlights include salvaging two Qohor decks with Weapons at the door + Nighttime Marauders (who were consistently stunning) and lucking into 7 location/attachment pillages in a row with the King attachment on Vic against Sweeney. Bottom line:consider this a competitive deck at your own peril.

As usual, bottomless love to everyone and I'll see you all soon!


Feanor 55

Is Great Kraken more used to draw, or to gain power in your games ? Is there a game plan in which you would draw first turns, then take powers ?

mouchliazo 85

Seeing as there's approximately 0 card draw besides it, I mostly use the Kraken for draw, unless I'm winning that turn or I'm hitting reserve (and I'm happy with the cards I've got). The incidental Balon stealth is also very nice. That said, a big part of its function is that people play much more defensively to stop you triggering it. Sometimes that works in your favour, sometimes not.

cockbongo 1

Aw, boats!