Targ banner of the sun - Desert Warriors

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Barnie25 227

This is a aggro deck that builds around Danny to create a vultron that can dominate the board.

This deck has some nice interactions. Danny + Confinement, Dornish Paramour + Dracarys, Maester Caelotte + Tears of Lys. Paramour + Syrios Training

This deck wants to go second let your opponent do challenges, fear Dracarys and Sunspear. Dornish Paramour will force that Mell to participate or that Tyrion to participate and to burn them down. Finish the game with power challenges and plots like A Clash of Kings.

The inclusion of Rebuilding is to recycle the control and kill spells, it has decent gold and decent initiative. But it might be that the deck needs Counting Coppers. I don't run A Nobles Cause to keep the initiative high, Sneak Attack is a fine openings plot followed up with a Calling All Banners. The plots are still up for debate.


Alsciende 134

What is the combo Daenerys Targaryen+Confinement? Daenerys only affects characters that are already participating in a challenge, so removing their icons won't change the challenge.

Barnie25 227

Ah didnt see that line on Danny, my bad.