Flowering Lions - 2nd Place Hobart TAS SC

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Red Saturday Lanny Rose 51 36 22 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

dukayn 2

Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Store Championship

6 players, 3 rounds no cut

Round 1 vs Carlin - Banner
This game went to time after a pair of rather large boards slugged it out in a slow match. Setting up a duped Tywin with a chud and getting him a Seal of the Hand turn 1 is a pretty good start. Both my Tywin and Tyrion got Milked at different stages. Tywin’s got Confiscated but Tyrion ended up eating a Marched to the Wall so I could play a second copy that Marshalling phase and get rid of the Milk. Got the Dream Team in place with both Left and Right hitting the table in the same turn, and they actually turned out to be annoying enough to make a difference with their non-kneeling defence. Areo Hotah got Tears’d away after doing his thing and a duped Arianne didn’t trigger once for her ability. When time was called I was ahead 12-4.

Mod win, 1-0

Round 2 vs Paul - Banner
No Dream Team this time sadly from either player. Paul saw his first and only Pleasure Barge get Treachery’d (yes, you can do that) meaning it was a constant -1 income from turn 2 onward with no benefit. He did manage to get The Mander with a Support of the People which probably ended up getting him more cards anyway. Tywin + Seal did a lot of heavy lifting once again - one turn I marshalled 10 gold and didn’t have anything to play except a dupe, so Big Poppa Lannister was at 16 STR - and the game was sealed with a triple-renown Military challenge with Jaime, Tywin and Randyll.

Win, 2-0

Round 3 vs Chris - Fealty
The final match against the only other undefeated player went completely differently to my other matches. He setup a single Black Wind’s Crew which ate a Marched, which turned out to be an issue later on as I would have loved to have it a turn later when the Stealth Twins showed up. I setup 5 cards and had Tyrion out turn 1, but he was soon Milked, the turn I Confiscated a Little Bird off Asha. The double stealth of Asha and Theon kept my board low, and even with hitting Asha’s stand ability with Treachery one turn, it wasn’t enough. I dropped Jaime with A Noble Cause and he was subsequently Put to the Torch because again, double stealth is brutal. I eventually got a duped Tywin after a Summons and then drew his dupe in Draw phase, but it was too little too late and Chris stealthed right by for the win.

Loss, 2-1 and Second Place

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