The Fury of the Flower

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

ArtooFan 14

The Baratheons feed off kneeling characters, yours and your opponent. With Stannis preventing all but two characters to stand, your opponent will soon cave to the pressure that your Randyll can do with Margaery, Heartsbane, and Growing Strong buffing him and straightening him.

With Right, Left, and Ser Davos, you can setup a formidable defense. Your Fiery Followers can be your offense as they stand during the dominance phase, so aren't limited by Stannis. Lightbringer on either Baratheon also allows them to attack first then defend the counterattack.

There are plenty of chump blockers/attackers that also synergize with other cards. Lightbringer can pair with Consolidation of Power on a lesser Baratheon to straighten should you be unable to draw into either brother.

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