Wildlings: Undefeated Swiss NC Regional, 30 players, drop

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Portsmouth, NH Tournament Win - Wildlings, Undefeated Swiss 3 1 0 1.0
Wildling House Lannister, Winter Lord of the Crossing 0 0 0 1.0
Lannister + Wildlings 0 0 0 1.0

kidohearts 1295

Well Westeros, here I am again going 4-0-1 in Swiss, having the 2nd seed and dropping. I know maybe I could have had a chance at being more “famous” if I wanted to win more, and took a shot at winning back to back regionals. But I just really don’t care that much about winning. By the time Swiss got done, it was 5-ish-pm and I was ready to spend some time with my son. It sure would have been cool to see if I could have closed the deal, but in the end I decided that I went to the tournament to do what I set out to do: play a weird deck well and get the guy who let me stay the night at his house (who couldn’t go to his own regional) the Stark play mat as I got mine the week before. And I met a bunch of great people as 8-10 people traveled from out of state. Made some friends I know I’ll be in contact with and got my 1st edition card signed by a world champ, I’m content.

This is a deck I built probably about a month ago, but hadn’t really given it a good run as I was focused on Stark. When I went to Atlanta last week I got there on Friday night and some people were practicing for Saturday’s regional. I pulled this out for fun and then preceded to win all my games of like 7-8. After about 12-15 games I only lost once splitting 2 games with a GJ Crossing. I thought, huh, might be something here. I like to do things with decks that are different from the usual (my NW-Kraken was offensive/choke, and my Stark had only 2 Ice, no WiC, or any reset plots). I could have put Tears and PttS and Marched to follow First Snow, but my thinking was that if I can hold them down for like 3 plots (with Milk, Nightmares, and Treachery) I will probably have the game well in hand. This thought process proved to be spot on this day.

RD 1: vs Randall Targ/Sun- Boy was this a good game. Time ran out on us, but I was lucky enough to get the full win. My amazing setup was Littlefinger and the Burned Men. I was lucky enough to get all 3 Treacheries and used them on his Kingsroad, Nymeria, and Rheagal to stop Dany from standing. I also Nightmares Rheagal once to stop her from standing after she entered a challenge. I didn’t get Tywin until the last turn of the game, but better late than never. He was locking me down pretty good, but I etched out wins here and there and needed 4 power to close. I INT with brothel (because who cares), I Mil with the Hound. Then on the last challenge I send Tywin (using Scout to give him stealth) and Mance in a power not stealthing Dany so her minus str will go away if she comes in. One from claim, one from Crossing, and the 2 renowns. Randall made a couple of mistakes, but damn he played well, making it really hard to close out the game and shut down my 2 claim turn. W 15-10

RD 2: vs Chris Bara Fealty- Oddly I had the same exact setup as round 1. Not spectacular but at least a bit of economy. I Milked Mel turn 1 even though I had another in my hand hoping he would use his Confiscation, which he did turn 2 and I Milked her again. I have in the past double milked, but then he would have saved his Confiscation on my Seal. I used First Snow and Famine early to keep his board down and through renown and that 3rd challenge I was able to finish it on plot 6. His 2 Mil stopping event slowed down my renown on Jaime, but Mance and the Wildlings were too much in the end as I jumped in Scout last turn gave Jaime stealth and went by Rob twice (once with Tyrion) and closed it out. He didn’t trigger Mel once and Stannis hurt him more than me as I just jumped Wildlings. Bob made it in last turn but it was too late. W 15-6

RD 3: vs Brennan Bara/Lion- Really didn’t want this match. This is my very good friend and only his 3rd tournament and he has improved every one of them. With my experience I have usually gotten the better of the match-ups in most games (but we mostly play Melee). Finally got a good setup with Tywin in hand. Was able to get Tywin down turn 1. I had 2 Milks in hand and waited for Mel and/or Bob. He was able to keep the pressure on by doing big military challenges, which led me to believe he had PttS as he was over commiting. After blocking with just enough M str for 3 turns I finally intrigued it out of his hand. Tywin, Tyrion, and the Wildlings kept pushing through 3 challenges and then the renown took over when Mance showed up. He played Bob, I Milked him, he Confiscated next turn and I milked again on my First Snow turn. I then followed that with Famine which left him 1 gold short of playing Gregor. W 15-4

RD 4: vs Jack Lanni/Kraken- This game was probably over turn 1 (which is something I’ve never said before). The deck just got stronger (or I was learning it better) as the day went along. I finally got the Tywin setup and it was on. He marched turn one to try and put pressure on with his setup Syrio and Asha first turn. I milked Asha and used Treachery on the Iron Mines turn 1 when he tried to save her. Round 2 I played Nightmares on Syrio. Going into turn 3, maybe 4 he had 0 characters and no economy. I had Tywin (with a tripped SoH), LittleFinger, Horde, and Rattleshirts. He played Theon as his only character and I played Nightmares. It was the fastest game of the day for me, ending in under 20 minutes. W 15-0

RD 5: vs Tom Lanni/Kraken- ID

This deck preformed way better than I had imagined it would. Famine and Nightmares were big all day. I actually played Trading late (if at all) in most games as I used First Snow and Famine early to keep their board down. The deck ran well even with Tywin and sometimes Tyrion missing. Tyrion is the fuel that helps Mance generate his horde. The reduction on Winter plot turns is not to be overlooked as it works on your opponents Winter plots too. Paying 4 for the Horde, 3 for Rattleshirts, and 1 for the Scout, along with the Burned Men is so sweet. I didn’t really want to run Bronn and wanted to run 2 Gold Cloaks, but it just didn’t feel right. And Bronn helps improve your chances of a Tywin setup as my only one of the day was with Bronn.

I think 2 things made this a successful tournament season (4 SCs: 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 5th and 2 Regionals: undefeated, 2nd in Swiss, dropped) to this point (as I think I’m done, except Kits) is being able to adjust from game to game and tournament to tournament. My best example of this: is this Wildling Crossing deck. Sometimes I see people trying everything they can to get that 3rd challenge. But that is what can lead to you getting dead. In that Bara/Lion match-up today, I used the first 3 turns blocking and just collecting renown that way avoiding the Ptts until I could close. In the first match today vs Targ/Sun, I just had to take wins here and there until I could get in the 3rd challenge. Sometimes your deck can’t do what its built to do. This is where your building skill really can shine if your deck can overcome those moments and then get back on track. The 2nd thing is building decks and being willing to bring decks that people may not have seen. I remember playing the NW-Kraken and people making comments like, “oh the stealth will help you defend”, or “where’s the Wall”, or “nobody is crazy enough to play NW”. The problem is you have to be OK with falling completely on your face as they may fail BAD, and those decks need good testing against skilled opponents.

As usual, I look forward to all comments: good, critical, indifferent, etc…. lol

“I know Nothing”


Yakhunter 331

Awesome looking deck. I have been fiddling with Lanni/Wildings for a bit now trying to find the right balance for it to work for me and am gonna give this one a go.

kidohearts 1295

@Yakhunter thanks and besides the plots, this is my original build. I think I dropped Marched for Famine and put Calling in over, maybe Calm.

Widowmaker93 1

I find it interesting that this deck is either 2x or 3x of everything. Not a single 1-of in the deck! You're the anti-Scantrell sir!

I wish we had of played because this seems like a fun deck to pilot and a natural counter to control.

Fruggles 106

Sadly I missed making it up there this weekend (I know I said I would in ATL, I lied. ): Also devastated that I missed an opportunity to crush the souls of Lanni/Kraken players. Oh well. Next year.

Glad to see this worked out well, super cool idea, really pumped for more wildlings to make it out and see what the summer/winter agendas can do with them.

Aside from that, your last paragraph is pure GOLD to anyone trying to become a better player in competitive events. Really solid insights - I hope we get a chance to game again before next years' regionals (Or at least let me put up a fight before you crush me :P).

Cheers man!


kidohearts 1295

@Widowmaker93 I feel like you will more consistently see the pieces you want to see when you run more of them. I'm not a big believer in 1x, I guess until Valar comes out maybe. I would think running a bunch of 1x your deck would be more inconsistent. I assume people build decks to arrive at some kind of point. For example as you and I talked about, I used spot control over removal to keep my opponent confused and guessing and then the game was over before they caught on if they did. I think I played Nightmares every round and not one person was ready for it. Like when I said I had a challenges action before challenges, they looked confused, or when I Nightmares Rheagel after Dany entered the challenge.

Looking back at standings, if I won my first round game I would have played Benton and promptly gotten my ass handed to me. I think Targ is the worse match up for this deck, stupid Dany. I also wish we had played, hopefully would have been good, apparently I'm better at 2.0 than I was at 1.0, lol

kidohearts 1295

@Fruggles sucks you couldn't make it up, would have been fun. Thanks for the comments and I will try to get down again sometime

Widowmaker93 1

That's an interesting answer because your Stark deck had loads of 1x cards(characters mainly) and that's more what I was referring to. After looking more at the deck I do understand why most of your characters are 2 and 3 copies because instead of running single copies of characters that you don't want to see multiple of and don't mind killing(Tickler, Pycelle, etc) you ran the wildlings which are non-unique.

I wouldn't say you are better at 2.0 for any reason than that you have more experience now. That helps quite a bit.

Widowmaker93 1

Also quick question. How did Brothel Madame do for you on the day? I switched out the two Madames in my deck the night before the tournament and I think they would have come in very handy.

kidohearts 1295

@Widowmaker93 ya, got me on the 1x. I guess it more depends on what you need. All the 1x in that deck are fillers ho are fine to see and have a role or serve a purpose.

Brothel Madame is great. She just adds money for the jumping. And she is very good against Crossing decks as they need 3 challenges. Also good against Targ banner anything as now they need at least 2 gold if they want to M and have threat of Dracarys which turned out to really put the screws to my first round opponent, and of course same for anyone with good events to get off.

Pietroia 56

How do u think u'll change this after true steel? Any slot for payne?

kidohearts 1295

@Pietroia I don't think he fits in this deck. Instead of paying 6 for him I need to get characters who can participate in challenges b/c of the need to do 3 challenges.

kidohearts 1295

@Pietroia maybe drop 1 Jaime and got with 1 Payne. Another good "spot" control card.

Pietroia 56

Mm without jaime u lose a renown.. i don't think it's so cool I tried this deck just using gold cloaks instead of bron, but i can't face stark, they rush too fast

kidohearts 1295

@Pietroia that's where you have to use the Nightmares and Milk wisely, lol. But yeah, Stark rush would be interesting. Didn't play them.

Pietroia 56

Here in italy stark is played a lot and with a deck with no removal its not easy to manage em or slow their rush down I hope new wildlings will come woth new cycle cause this deck is a cool idea =)

kidohearts 1295

@Pietroia maybe take out Nightmares and Treachery for PttS and Tears