Nan said 'Knock You Out!' the North is Gonna KnOck you out

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Stark Fealty: Update to 3rd place Indy Regional Deck 1 1 0 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

Widied 58

this deck did well at the local game night event. 3-1. it came in second but tied record with the first place deck. saw a few stark decks online that fit this mould in some fashion. at the time my stark was less control and more rush until I switched cats and added winterfell--haven't looked back since.

matches: mirror match (win) lanni dragon (win) targ fealty (win) bara fealty (loss)

in retro the only thing I would change is the crypts to 2x milk or nightmares. I only saw the crypts one game against bara and I much would have nightmares or milks. my only loss was against bara which should have been a good game for me but didn't get rob until way too late. Drew both crypts that game but if they were milk or nightmares it would have given me some breathing room from stannis or Mel.

MVP of the deck was winterfell hands down.

the most surprisingly good card was septa mordane. some people seem unimpressed by her but she increases your intrigue presence in a significant way with arya and Sansa. I played her a lot. it was never unwelcomed. maester luwin who?


chazz 3

I think the First Snow, Ward, Marched combo has serious board control potential. The key change I'd make is drop Jon for more Grey Wind. Who I find superior in almost every situation.

Widied 58

Yeah it was surprisingly good at getting the board position you desire. This deck was more about shutting down your opponents tricks while you out speed them. A couple times I would use winter is coming on power challenges to get a forceful lead and my opponent would over think the threat to military.