Greyjoy Dragon: Double Kill

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Greyjoy Dragon: Double Kill 3 2 3 2.0

scantrell24 3334

Second draft of Greyjoy Dragon. There's a lot I'm unsure about.

Rattleshirt's and We Do Not Sow can remove attachments, so I've skipped Weapons at the Door and Confiscation for now. Taxation, Snowed Under, or Pentoshi might get cut for a "closer", either Clash of Kings or Rise of the Kraken. If I cut Snowed Under, the only Winter plot, I'll have to make room for a couple Nightmares or another We Do Not Sow to handle Winterfell.



sunwukong91 55

why not run storm of swords too?

scantrell24 3334

@sunwukong91because it has low gold and a mediocre effect

Dydra 1494

A friend is running this ( Greyjoy Dragon ) for about 3 weeks in the local Meta and is killing it. He has quite a different list though.