Guangzhou, China, 1st place - Speed up(Adam_geek)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Speed up(Adam_geek) 1 1 0 4.0
Inspiration for
Top 4 in Shenzhen, China regional championship. 5 3 0 6.0

adam_geek 462

Abandon traditional Stark cards such as Winter Is ComingGrey Wind Ice in order to accelerate and lower the total cost of the deck. Killing is not the only way to win the throne and starks fans should learn that from the Young Wolf's failure in the book . Only power matters and sacrifice if it is necessary.

Riverrun and tully cards are not so useful actually

This deck have won the game in two rounds(once in 3 rounds), suprising me and my opponent so much.

2016/8/3 updated

add Robb Stark and sub two The Blackfish add 1 Bodyguard 1 Jory Cassel


ionic 1

Hi Adam. I'm from the Hong Kong meta. We'd like to make contact with you guys. Are you on Discord?

adam_geek 462

@ionic Actually I don't use Discord but maybe you can send me an e-mail and it would easy for us to talk to each other in Chinese. The address is Perhaps I can lead a group of Guangzhou players to go to Hongkong and join your regional match.


Hi, I'm currently visiting Chengdu and I was wondering if you guys knew if there's a meta here or any players in general? Also really sweet deck btw! I really like the idea of going for an even faster type of power rush Stark deck.

adam_geek 462

@ZKMDSorry, I don't know if there are any AGOY players in Chengdu, but if you really want to have fun with Chinese players, you may give me your Wechat(People here use this to chat) and make players in Chengdu talk to you.