Rains Of Krakenmere-TOP 8 Store championship

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

servetz 30

Nice deck! Ho did the 2x isle of ravens perform?

servetz 30

And how does Weapons at the Door work with appointed?

Uncle Euron 17

@serveHi, i will drop one isle of ravens because I need to have less dead draw. Weapons is here just for nw,bara and martell. I prefer to lose appointed but be able to attack! New version coming soon need a bit of testing !

Uncle Euron 17

@serveisle of ravens is a very good card in greyjoy but just 1x is sufficient. The economy is good but the draw sucks so I will add a counting coppers

Archmaester Ned 37

Grazie al Kaiser , fai il bullo in top quando non ci sono io !

Uncle Euron 17

@Archmaester NedXD

rudegnappo 5

Perchè, tu arrivi in top?

imabunneh 361

How many people were in the Store Championship?

Uncle Euron 17

@imabunneh31 and it was Milan Store Championship