Playing the wrong Tywin

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Raiding Lions: A Pillage deck 1 2 0 1.0

SunsWatch 107

Placed 4th in a 12 man store championship. The goal of the deck is to try and control the opponent's draw by taking advantage of Tywin's ability + pillage/tickler triggers.

Publishing to ask for suggestions. Would like to play this deck again in upcoming store championships. The Fishing Nets and Raiding Longships were pretty much useless since I preferred to go 2nd. Not sure what other GJ cards to put in to hit the banner requirement.

Tywin getting milked also stops this deck in it's track so I know I'm swapping something for Confiscation and maybe add more attachment removal. More than likely I'll take out Winter Festival as it seems like Kings of Summer is a popular agenda...


Necrogoat 14

I also tried this style, for fun it's great, tournaments no way. I also had Asha in there with the Crown of Salt and Rock (this can make Asha so damn fast!)and so on.

displaced 15

Captain's Daughter is p good in this type of deck

SunsWatch 107

@NecrogoatI think it works fine in tournaments. My losses in the tournament was still close games. As I only had 4 ironborn cards in the deck, I didn't think Crown of Salt and Rock would have enough targets if I draw it. It would be cool to have the Crown in the deck but I'd have to put a lot more ironborns for that to make sense. I think I didn't put Asha in because I was concerned about my cost curve.

@displacedi didn't even think of that card! That could be so gross haha