Smashing Strong 1.0

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Dydra 1494

This is a 2 core set, which I'm going to put together when I get my physical copies.

Draw deck

The Tyrell might not look flashy with the simple +STR effects they have, but make no mistake they are (growing) strong!

Combine that with Lannister goodness, so you dominate INT and Jammie and Randyl to go to work (optimal condition) in the MIL department.

Plot deck

I'm going to experiment with 3 money plots in this deck. Banners, Calm over Westeros and A Noble Cause. The plan is to setup the board in the first 3 turns with a combination of CoW, GoT and sneak in A Noble caus. After that Pummel hard with Winds of Winter and Control with Wildfire if needed.

I think between Wildfire and you pummeling him in INT challenges, he will have a hard time reappearing on the board.

Don't forget to Banners before Wildfire though lol.


Barnie25 227

I've played this combination quite a bit and it is indeed really strong but I would suggest a few changes.

I found that the Bear and the Maiden Fair isn't all that great, instead run Put to the Sword, this deck wants to bully people and being able to kill key characters really helps.

I would also try and run three copies of Tarly, he is the most powerful card in the deck (not really but he is your main piece). You want him early and often, duping him is also quite great as it is insurance. Cut a copy of the Queen and run a Wildling horde, with effective 7 strength it is perfect for this deck, triggering the Mander and enabling Put to the Sword.

I know that left and right are not flashy but they are much needed with setup, this deck wants big guys and claim soak, the eight 4 gold characters is way too much for a deck like this, drop the Gold Cloaks as they are quite mediocre and probably cut both Maesters for two copies of both left and right. This makes your setup potential much better.

I also think you didn't include one of the best cards Lannister has to offer, namely Treachery, the card is just golden for a deck like this, offering protection or counter a key ability of your opponent to stall the game so that you can win on your fatties.

Dydra 1494

I didn't find Treachery that useful initially, but there was this game last night where I'd love to use it on my enemy's Stannis Baratheon or Robert Baratheon.

Btw this is a 2 core (as pointed in the description) so a 3x of is not possible :(

I"ve pre-oredered two sets, but I feel like I'll buy a 3rd one immediately when I go to pick up my 2 cores ...

omgitsblake 189

I don't know that I agree with including treachery. Seeing as you only have around a 6-7% chance of being able to play it; maybe as a singleton for late game.

Korppi 9

I dont think you can use Treachery against Stannis or Robert, because their effects are passive. You can only use Treachery for skills with bold word, like Interrupt or Reaction.