Westeros Bleeds from Dorne to The Wall

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
(Red) Keep it standing - Top16@Winter Festival 19 10 8 7 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

hechtlinger 84

This is the deck I've played at The Long Night. The tournament was following the WARS 2020 restricted list allowing bin pack cards and also unrestricting the desert raiders. Deck finished 3-2, 9th place overall, and missed the cut by 0.02 ESoS. The only losses were to John Wright, the king of swiss and Tamás Albeck who won the tournament.

Deck's idea is to use Westeros Bleeds, LoTG + Varys, VM, First Snow, double Marched and Mutiny to force the opponent to break his keyboard. Then you call a judge to give you the win, since the opponent is refusing to play the game. I know it sounds charming. Most of the time it worked as planned.

I first saw the idea of using VB+ Flea + Recruit from the Dungeons in Nimer deck that Adamo modified and used to win Dance with Dragons. With Red Keep restricted, raiders liberated and Westeros Bleeds wonderful interaction with Dorne and Water Gardens it seemed more natural to build a Martell version.

The deck is highly not optimal since I try to avoid bin pack cards and made it a day before the tournament. If you pick it up there is big room for improvement. But don't pick it up. Westeros Bleeds is disgusting.

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