Sneaky Bastards

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Sneaky Bastards 1 1 17 1.0
Inspiration for
Sneaky Bastards 0 0 0 3.0

amaasik 29

The idea of this deck is to slow down the game, destroy opponent's hand and win on the 5th or 6th turn with The Red Viper and Harmen Uller and/or Doran's Game.

The key cards for the deck are Nymeria Sand, The Red Viper, and Harmen Uller. Doran Martell and Tyene Sand are the supporters. In general, it wins if at least 2 mains and 1 supporter are on the table.

The deck requires a lot of draw (Doran Martell and Greenblood Trader) and has to protect it's hand at all costs.

It runs the standard Martell package with His Viper Eyes, Ghaston Grey, and Vengeance for Elia to make sure opponents lose every time they win a challenge.

Harmen Uller has renown and offers ambush to both Nymeria Sand and Tyene Sand. This makes a difference in both the game speed (let's Martell get some power) and economy. Also, ambusing Bastard Daughter in for claim is always fun.

Nymeria Sand needs no comments. She stops key renown characters from attacking and removes intrigue icons to both protect your own hand and give targets for Tyene Sand.

The Red Viper wins the game. With either Dawn or Doran Martell, he pushes the final intrigue challenge through on the 5th or 6th turn and combining this with Doran's Game, wins.

Doran Martell supports The Red Viper, Harmen Uller and Arianne Martell and offers card draw.

Arianne Martell, a late addition to the deck, is wonderful with Areo Hotah and makes sure that opponents don't know what I'm doing.

Areo Hotah is either a cheap 5str military in setup or stops challanges I don't want to take.


I usually start with The Long Plan to have 8 reserve value.

A Song of Summer is a good second plot to make sure I have a lot of money on the second turn.

A Game of Thrones is good against everyone, especially when Nymeria Sand is on the table (except Lannisters).

Political Disaster helps me to take care of Greyjoy's ships and Baratheon's kneel module or destroys economies. (Going with the slowing the game theme).

The First Snow of Winter is something I usually use to get my Greenblood Trader and Areo Hotah back into my hand and, of course, a winter plot makes sure I get past Winterfell.

The Long Winter is a good plot to even the score that's usually 10-2 during the 4th round.

Wildfire Assault is wildfire.


jacque_steampunk 1

Interesting you took Pyromancers out. Do you think you could drop 1 Areo Hotah to put a least a 1 of them? Also I still feel like Night's watch are still the hard counter to this deck with manyh things being no attachments and many of the things they have add back the icon you can take ie Practice Blade on Old Bear Mormont and it seems like whenever Nymeria Sand gets milked (which she usually does) it is hard to get that off her. I put in Close Call and took out A Song of Summerso I could kill her and then just play a dupe and that seemed to help a little.

amaasik 29

@jacque_steampunk I don't like Pyromancers at all for some reason. I did take on Areo Hotah out but I added Syrio Forel cause I thought "what's more annoying than Viper" and the answer is: Viper with Stealth.

Rattleshirt's Raiders has worked really well to keep the Milk of the Poppy away, so I'm not really worried about that. But I'm a little afraid of both Night Watch and other Martell decks at the moment.'

A Song of Summer is currently one of the best-working plots. I was planning on replacing it with Summer Harvest or Snowed Under (If I decide, whether I go with KoS or KoW) but now I'm not so sure.