24 cards

House Martell. Non-Loyal.
Event. Cost: 1.

Reaction: After you lose a challenge, choose up to X characters. Each of those characters gains renown until the end of the phase. X is the number of plot cards in your used pile.

Justin Adams
For Family Honor #56.

Link: Decklists

The Scorpion's Sting
House Martell. Non-Loyal.
Character. Cost: 3. STR: 4.

Commander. Mercenary.

Bestow (2). Renown. Shadow (2).

Forced Reaction: After a plot card enters your used pile, return The Tattered Prince to shadows unless you discard 1 gold from him.

Diego Gisbert Llorens
Forgotten Heroes #8.

Link: Decklists

The Tattered Prince
House Martell. Loyal.
Location. Cost: 1.


Action: Kneel The Water Gardens to reduce the cost of the next non-character card you marshal, play, or ambush this phase by X. X is the number of plot cards in your used pile.

There children frolicked naked in the sun, music played in tiled courtyards, and the air was sharp with the smell of lemons and blood oranges.
Carlos Palma Cruchaga
The Archmaester's Key #17.

Link: Decklists

The Water Gardens
House Martell. Non-Loyal.
Event. Cost: 0.

Play only if there are 3 or more plot cards in your used pile.

Challenges Action: Each character you control does not kneel when declared as an attacker in the next challenge you initiate this phase.

Matt Hansen
Sands of Dorne #24.

Link: Decklists

To The Spears!

24 cards