If there are 3 Botley Crew in game, do you need to return 3 gold from that player's gold pool to the treasury? Cumulative effect?
If there are 3 Botley Crew in game, do you need to return 3 gold from that player's gold pool to the treasury? Cumulative effect?
Question what about queenscrown interaction with Sweetrobin?
Is the card removed permantly or it just overwrite the effect and return to discard/bottom of deck?
Rules FAQ
You may still include neutral and in-faction events in your deck.
The restriction of no more than 3 different cards from each faction includes your main faction as well.
You may include different versions of cards with the same title, but ultimately you are only allowed a maximum of 9 cards from each faction (up to 3 copies of up to 3 cards with a different title).
The restriction only applies to your draw deck. Including an in-faction plot card does not count towards your limit of 3 different cards per faction.
There is no restriction on the number of neutral cards you can include in your deck.
Rules FAQ
The phrase "if able" means that this ability can be initiated even if one or more opponents do not have an eligible attachment to discard. Any opponent who does must still choose and discard one.
You can keep initiating this effect as long as you have power on characters and there is at least one attachment that can be discarded from play.
An attachment can be saved from this effect. If any attachment is saved, the pre-then aspect of the effect has not successfully resolved in full, so the post-then aspect of the effect does not attempt to resolve either. That means you cannot initiate this effect again in that scenario. (See The word "Then".)
If the effect is initiated again, it can be canceled by Outwit or Someone Always Tells, since the triggering condition "when the effects (of something) would initiate" occurs again. Note that the specific wording of this card makes it an exception to the general rule that the post-then aspect of the effect cannot be canceled separately.
The pre-then and post-then aspects of the effect share a common reaction window, which opens after the entire effect has resolved. For instance, if a non-loyal attachment is discarded from play, the choice of whether to initiate the effect again happens before the reaction of Edric Dayne (HMW). If multiple non-loyal attachments are discarded by initiating the effect multiple times, Edric can choose among them once the entire When Revealed ability has resolved. (See FAQ.)