The Gold Price

Rules FAQ

  • Cards do not enter play during setup, so locations you set up will be standing when the game begins.

  • When a location enters play under your control, it is not standing at any point. You cannot trigger a reaction like King's Landing (BtB) that would require you to kneel that location.

  • If The Moon Door enters play knelt during a challenge, it is not considered to have been knelt during that challenge.

  • If you put a location into play with As High as Honor, it will enter play knelt, as per the text of both the agenda and the event itself. However, if it has the House Arryn trait, it will then stand.

  • Pleasure Barge only gains immunity after it enters play, so it still enters play knelt.

  • The reaction only works with abilities that specifically use the phrase "at random". If a card ability discards all the remaining cards from a player's hand, those cards are still considered to have been discarded at random if that phrase is used. Cards are also discarded at random for claim. On the other hand, the reaction cannot be triggered whenever a card is chosen to be discarded from an opponent's hand.

  • You cannot trigger the agenda to put a unique character into play under your control if you already control a copy of that character, or if a copy of that character is in your dead pile. Same if a copy of that character is already in play under its owner's control, or if there is a copy of it in its owner's dead pile. (See Unique cards in play and in the dead pile.)

  • You also cannot trigger the agenda if the discarded character cannot enter play for some other reason (for instance, if Barring the Gates is revealed, or if the ability of Iron Emmett is preventing it).

  • A character that is discarded from hand at random enters its owner's discard pile first. The Gold Price shares a reaction window with other abilities that react to a card being discarded from a player's hand, or to a card entering a player's discard pile (for instance, The Great Pyramid or Citadel Archivist). The first player has the first opportunity to trigger a reaction. Then, if the card is no longer in the discard pile once you get your turn, The Gold Price cannot put it into play from another area anymore. Also, interrupts to a card being discarded from hand will always trigger before The Gold Price. This includes Ser Meryn Trant, Ser Jorah Mormont (LMHR) and Missandei. The Gold Price will not be able to find a character if it is removed from the game, put in shadows, or put into play. It will also not be able to find a character that is placed in the dead pile by Heads on Spikes. (See Card Abilities & Out-of-Play Areas.)

  • When a phase ends, interrupts to that phase ending can be triggered first. After that, "until the end of the phase" lasting effects expire and the phase ends. Finally, "at the end of the phase" delayed effects resolve (this is the point where you need to pay X gold if you wish to keep the character in play). (See End of Phase Timing Sequence.)

  • If a character is discarded from an opponent's hand "at the end of the phase" and you trigger the reaction, you immediately reach the point where you have to pay X gold to keep the character. If multiple characters are discarded outside of any phase (for example, this could happen if two copies of Bastard Daughter are killed "at the end of the phase" by Tears of Lys), you can trigger the reaction multiple times. The limit does not apply outside of a phase. (Source.)

  • If an ability allows you to spend gold on other cards "as if it were in your gold pool", that gold can be used to pay the price of X. However, since The Iron Bank, Sweet Cersei and Sunspear (BtB) only work during specific phases, you will no longer be allowed to spend gold from them "at the end of the phase". But Casterly Rock (BtB) still works if it is standing. (See Spending Gold.)

  • If a character you have "stolen" with The Gold Price is removed from the game and re-enters play (via Coldhands, Mace Tyrell (R), or a similar ability), it will re-enter play under its owner's control if it can. If it cannot (for instance, if a copy of it is in its owner's dead pile), it will remain removed from the game indefinitely.

❤️ —
A Southron Peace

Rules FAQ

  • The effect lasts until you reveal a new plot card, so it will expire if you reveal a new plot card during the challenges phase with "The Rains of Castamere" or Battle of the Trident.

  • The word "cannot" is absolute and therefore prevails over any ability that would allow you to initiate an additional challenge.

  • In a Melee game, you and the chosen opponent can both still initiate challenges and have challenges initiated against you, you just cannot initiate them against each other. However, you can still end up in a challenge against each other if a challenge is redirected using the Crown Regent melee title.

The Moon Door

Rules FAQ

  • If initiative is tied, you do not directly choose who is first player, you only choose who wins initiative. That player then chooses who is first player.

  • The tie for initiative happens after all the relevant modifiers are checked (The Kingsroad, The Maiden, Ahead of the Tide, etc.). The Moon Door then replaces the step where you would normally check which of the tied players has the lowest power total.

  • In normal circumstances, a tie for dominance is not resolved. It simply means that no player wins or loses it. However, if The Moon Door in play, one of the tied players will always win dominance, and everyone else will lose it. Choosing a player to win dominance actually becomes mandatory, even if you would prefer to leave it tied.

  • Only players who are actually tied for the "highest total" can be chosen to win a particular tie.

  • If there is more than one Moon Door in play, their constant abilities cannot coexist. The first time a tie for initiative or dominance occurs, whoever is first player at the time decides which Moon Door has priority over the others. This choice then stands and is not made again as long as the conflicting abilities remain active (the first player makes a new choice if an additional conflicting ability ever becomes active). In other words, if two Moon Doors remain in play, are not blanked, and no other Moon Door enters play, the same player will always be able to resolve ties for initiative and dominance. However, that player is not forced to always choose the same way. Each choice is made independently of any previous ones. (See Priority of Simultaneous Resolution.)

  • The printed value of X is considered to be 0, so any character with the printed STR of X (for instance, Beric Dondarrion (TBWB)) is an eligible target of Moon Door's ability.

  • If The Moon Door is knelt by assault, it will still be blank at that point, so it cannot be triggered.

  • If The Moon Door enters play knelt during a challenge (due to The Gold Price, for instance), it is not considered to have been knelt during that challenge.

Jalabhar Xho

Rules FAQ

  • You cannot trigger this ability if you already control your own copy of Jalabhar Xho, or if a copy of Jalabhar Xho is in your dead pile. (See Unique Cards.)

  • The ability has no limit, so you can trigger it as many times as you like, as long as you have the power on your faction card to spend. Note that the marshaling phase ends after all players consecutively pass their actions. If you pass while Jalabhar Xho is controlled by another player, and then all other players also pass, the chance to take control of Jalabhar Xho is gone for that round.

  • If another "take control" effect like Ward is active, you can still trigger the ability to override it and take control of Jalabhar Xho. If Ward is the most recent "take control" effect and it is removed, control will revert back to the player who previously had control of Jalabhar Xho, which is not necessarily the card's owner. Same goes for any other "take control" effect that expires or stops applying.

  • If Jalabhar Xho leaves play while controlled by a player other than his owner, he is placed in his owner's equivalent out-of-play area instead. (See Ownership and Control.)

Chivalry of the South

Rules FAQ

  • A challenge ends at step 4.2.6, after all keywords have been processed. The interrupt of Chivalry of the South therefore triggers after keywords, just before any "until the end of the challenge" lasting effects (like Winterfell (WotN)) expire, and before any "at the end of the challenge" delayed effects (like Overwhelming Numbers) resolve.

  • A challenge does not automatically end any time there are no participating characters. For example, if a card like Offer of a Peach is played on the only attacking character, the challenge continues, and there may be other abilities that add characters to the challenge later on (for instance, Cohollo). However, it is still possible for a challenge to end "early" due to a card effect (for instance, March on Winterfell).

  • Players cannot win a challenge unless they control at least one participating character. However, it is possible to win a challenge and then remove all participating characters before Chivalry of the South would trigger. An example of that would be The Hound (TtB) returning to hand as the only attacker, or Mag the Mighty killing each participating character with his forced reaction. Also, if you win a challenge in which The Queen of Thorns (TMoW) is the only participating character, you can trigger her reaction to bring Shrewd Diplomat into play from shadows, then trigger the reaction of Shrewd Diplomat to remove The Queen of Thorns from the challenge and end up with no participating characters by the time the challenge ends.

  • Any time a participating character changes control during a challenge, it is immediately removed from the challenge. If you win a challenge with Reek (HMW) as the only attacking character and trigger his ability to take control of the only defending character, both characters are removed from the challenge at that point. You would be able to trigger Chivalry of the South in that scenario. (See Ownership and Control.)

  • In a Melee game, Chivalry of the South can trigger even if you are neither the attacking nor the defending player.