The Watch Needs Good Men

Rules FAQ

  • You cannot marshal or ambush an opponent's unique character if you or that opponent already control a copy of that card in play, or if there is a copy of it in either player's dead pile. (See Unique cards in play and in the dead pile.)

  • If Barring the Gates is revealed, ambush cannot be used. But you can still marshal cards from any opponent's discard pile during the marshaling phase.

  • Cards like The Kingsroad or The Many-Faced God that reduce the cost to marshal or ambush a character still work.

Bowen Marsh

Rules FAQ

  • You can trigger Bowen Marsh after you play an event from shadows.

  • You cannot trigger Bowen Marsh if you use The Shadow Tower (TSoW) to bring a character into play from an opponent's shadows area, but you can trigger him if an opponent uses The Shadow Tower against you.

  • The lasting effect applied by Bowen Marsh will persist even if he or the card you brought out of shadows leave play. If the card you targeted leaves play, any lasting effects on it expire.

Nymeria of Ny Sar

Rules FAQ

  • If you lose control of attached location, Nymeria of Ny Sar will become illegally attached and will get discarded. That also happens if Nymeria of Ny Sar's text box is blanked at any point (for instance, by Brother's Robes), because it will lose the play permission of being allowed to be attached to a location rather than a character. On the other hand, assaulting (or otherwise blanking) attached location will not cause Nymeria of Ny Sar to become illegally attached.

  • You have to show the plot you intend to reveal in Step 1 of initiating the ability, to demonstrate that you have an eligible or Summer plot you can reveal. The ability can then be canceled in Step 6. (See Initiating Abilities / Marshaling Cards.)

  • You can combine Nymeria of Ny Sar with "The Rains of Castamere" or Battle of the Trident to potentially reveal more than one new plot during the same challenge.

  • When you reveal a plot in the challenges phase, you skip the steps of comparing initiative and choosing first player. You only resolve When Revealed abilities. If you have revealed your last plot in this way, you also return each plot in your used pile to your plot deck.

  • If The Crow is a Tricksy Bird was played and a or Summer plot was chosen, you have to reveal that plot with Nymeria of Ny Sar if it is the next plot you are revealing. But if Tricksy Bird chose a plot that is not eligible to be revealed with Nymeria of Ny Sar, you can reveal a different plot.

  • You can trigger Sand Steed if revealing a new plot causes a Summer plot card to enter your used pile. This happens after resolving When Revealed abilities on the new plot.

  • If you reveal At Prince Doran's Behest, you can subsequently reveal any plot card, regardless of its traits. If Behest was your last plot, you are not able to resolve its When Revealed ability, because your used pile has not returned to your plot deck yet. In that case, you are stuck with Behest until you can reveal another plot card (most likely in the next plot phase).

  • Any lasting effect that has raised the claim value "on your revealed plot card" will remain active even after you reveal a new plot, but any lasting effect that lasts "until you reveal a new plot card" will expire. (See References to Specific Positions in Game Areas.)

  • If you bring Nymeria of Ny Sar into play with Trading With Qohor, it is too late to trigger its reaction. But the other way around works, you can trigger the reaction in the D step of the D.U.C.K. sequence and then trade the attachment away later.

Water Gardens Sentry

Rules FAQ

  • Water Gardens Sentry does not gain the icon during challenges. Its ability just allows it to be declared as a defender even without having the corresponding challenge icon. However, in contrast to Obara Sand (Core), it still has to be standing (and not be bypassed by stealth) to be eligible to be declared as a defender.

Rules FAQ

  • Kingswood only works with ambush, it does not work with any other way in which a character can enter play during the challenges phase (for instance, shadows, or card abilities like Lionstar).

  • You can trigger Kingswood even if the character has immediately left play (for instance, if it gets discarded by Ser Jaime Lannister (BtB)).

  • If you have multiple copies of Kingswood in play, you can trigger all of them for the same character.

  • Even if Kingswood is canceled, it still returns to its owner’s hand.