• a search query is a series of one or more conditions separated by one or more spaces:
    • condition1 condition2 condition3gets all cards that meet the requirements of all three conditions
  • each condition must be some or all of the name of a card, the ID code for a card, or a criteria search:
    • vipergets all cards with "viper" in their name
    • 01109gets the card with code "01109"
    • x:wingets all cards with "win" in their ability text (see below for the full list of accepted criteria)
  • additionally you can combine conditions with a pipe (|) which acts as an "or" (logical) operator:
    • f:baratheon|lannister k:lord|ladygets all Baratheon or Lannister cards with the Lord or Lady trait
  • Note that conditions containing spaces must be surrounded with quotation marks:
    • "x:"win a challenge"gets all cards with "win a challenge" in their text


This is an overview of the available operands and operators you can use to search for cards.

Accepted operands

You can use these to search for cards with specific properties. Note that if you do not use any operand you can search by title (or its part) by default.

  • x – text
  • a – flavor
  • f – faction
  • l – is loyal
  • m – has military icon
  • g – has intrigue icon
  • p – has power icon
  • s – strength
  • t – card type
  • k – traits
  • u – is unique
  • o – cost
  • n – income
  • v – initiative
  • b – claim
  • h – reserve
  • i – illustrator
  • d – designer
  • e – pack code
  • c – cycle number
  • y – quantity

Accepted operators

These specify whether you want to find cards that match your search query or don't match it

  • : – equals
  • ! – different from
  • < – less than (numeric values only); "-" value (e.g. in card's cost) is handled as <0
  • > – more than (numeric values only); "x" value (e.g. in card's cost) is handled as "infinite" cost

Some examples

  • Stark searches for cards "Stark" in their title
  • t:event searches for all Events
  • t:event k:song searches for every Event that has the trait Song
  • x:"win a challenge" searches for all cards with the text "win a challenge"
  • t:location|attachment f:neutral searches for all Neutral cards that are Locations or Events
  • f:tyrell|martell o<2 searches for all Tyrell or Martell cards with cost less than 2
  • t:attachment k!condition|title|"The Seven" searches for all Attachments that are not Condition, Title or The Seven
  • f:lannister l:0 searches for all Lannister non-loyal cards
  • x:"win a [power] challenge" returns all the cards with "win a POWER challenge" text where POWER is icon (same works for faction icons)
  • t:plot k!kingdom|edict n>5 searches for all Plots that are neither Kingdom nor Edict and have income greater than 5
  • t:plot k:Scheme x:"When Revealed" searches for all Scheme Plot cards with When Revealed effect


This section goes into further detail on each operand.

Text (x)

Searching based on card's text

This operand searches for a substring in a card's text.

It is possible to include Faction and Challenge icons in search using square brackets e.g. [martell], [power], etc..

  • x:"take control" – gets all cards with "take control in it"
  • x:"interrupt:" x:killed – gets cards with Interrupt to being killed
  • x:king x!attacking|kingdom|kings – gets (mostly) cards that interact with King trait

Flavor (a)

Searching based card's flavor text

This operand searches for a substring in a card's flavor text.

  • a:"always tells" – gets all cards with "always tells" text
  • a:"tywin lannister" – gets all cards where Tywin Lannister is author or is mentioned in text
  • a:night a!knight|"night's" – gets all cards mentioning Night in their text (excluding Knight and Night's)

Faction (f)

Searching based on faction

This operand searches for a card's faction.

Neutral cards can be searched using "neutral" string.

Note that you have to use "thenightswatch" string instead of "The Night's Watch".

  • f:"thenightswatch" – gets all The Night's Watch cards
  • f:neutral|martell – gets all Neutral and Martell cards
  • f!neutral|martell|thenightswatch – gets all cards that are not from Neutral, Martell and The Night's Watch factions

Loyalty (l)

Searching based on whether the card is loyal or not

This operand searches for cards based on their loyalty (usually useful in combination with faction).

It works as a "flag" (the card either loyal or not).

  • l:1 – gets all loyal cards
  • l:0 – gets all non-loyal cards

Military Icon (m)

Searching based on whether the card has Military icon or not

This operand searches for cards that either have or do not have Military icon.

It works as a "flag" (the card either has or has not the icon).

  • m:1 – gets all cards having given icon
  • m:0 – gets all cards not having given icon

Intrigue Icon (g)

Searching based on whether the card has Intrigue icon or not

This operand searches for cards that either have or do not have Intrigue icon.

It works as a "flag" (the card either has or has not the icon).

  • g:1 – gets all cards having given icon
  • g:0 – gets all cards not having given icon

Power Icon (p)

Searching based on whether the card has Power icon or not

This operand searches for cards that either have or do not have Power icon.

It works as a "flag" (the card either has or has not the icon).

  • p:1 – gets all cards having given icon
  • p:0 – gets all cards not having given icon

Strength (s)

Searching based on card's Strength

This operand searches for cards based on their Strength.

Using this operand will filter out cards that do not have any strength (in other words it filters out all card types but characters).

  • s:5 – gets all cards with Strength 5
  • s>5 – gets all cards with Strength more than 5
  • s!1 – gets all cards with Strength not equal 1

Card Type (t)

Searching based on card type

This operand searches for a specific card type.

  • t:character – gets all Character cards
  • t!character – gets all Non-character cards
  • t:location|attachment – gets all Location and Attachment cards

Traits (k)

Searching based on card's traits

This operand searches for a specific trait(s).

  • k:army k:knight – gets all cards that have both Army and Knight traits
  • k:lord|knight – gets all cards that have either Lord or Knight trait (or both)
  • k:army k!knight – gets all cards that have Army trait, but do not have Knight trait

Unique card (u)

Searching based on whether the card is Unique or not

This operand searches filters the unique and non unique cards.

It works as a "flag" (the card either is or is not unique).

  • u:1 – gets all Unique cards
  • u:0 – gets all Non-Unique cards

Cost (o)

Searching based on card's cost

This operand searches for given card's cost.

You can search for "-" and "x" cost as well (either directly or indirectly, see examples).

Cost "-" is considered to be lower then 0 and "x" is considered to be greater than any real number.

Using this operand will automatically filter out cards that do not have any cost by default (e.g. agendas, plots, titles).

  • o:8 – gets all 8-cost cards
  • o>5 – gets all cards that cost more than 5 (including "x")
  • o<1 – gets all events that cost less than 1 (including "-")
  • o:- – gets all "-"-cost cards
  • o:x – gets all "x"-cost cards

Income (n)

Searching based on card's income

This operand searches for given card's income.

You can search "x" income as well (either directly or indirectly, see examples).

Cost "x" is considered to be greater than any real number.

Using this operand will automatically filter out cards that do not have any income by default (e.g. events, characters, locations).

  • n:10 – gets all income 10 cards
  • n>6 – gets all cards that have income more than 6 (including "x")
  • n<2 – gets all events that have income less than 2
  • n:x – gets all income "x" cards

Initiative (v)

Searching based on card's initiative

This operand searches for given card's initiative.

Using this operand will automatically filter out cards that do not have any initiative by default (e.g. events, characters, locations).

  • v:2 – gets all cards with initiative 2
  • v>6 – gets all cards with initiative more than 6
  • v<2 – gets all cards with initiative less than 2

Claim (b)

Searching based on card's claim

This operand searches for given card's claim.

Using this operand will automatically filter out cards that do not have any claim by default (e.g. events, characters, locations).

  • b!2 – gets all cards with claim not 2
  • b>1 – gets all cards with claim more than 1
  • b<1 – gets all cards with claim less than 1

Reserve (h)

Searching based on card's reserve

This operand searches for given card's reserve.

Using this operand will automatically filter out cards that do not have any reserve by default (e.g. events, characters, locations).

  • h!0 – gets all cards with reserve not 0
  • h>6 – gets all cards with reserve more than 6
  • h<5 – gets all cards with reserve less than 5

Illustrator (i)

Searching based on illustrator

This operand searches for cards illustrated by a given artist.

  • i:"Kate Burmak" – gets all cards illustrated by Kate Burmak
  • i!"Kate Burmak" – gets all cards not illustrated by Kate Burmak

Designer (d)

Searching based on designer

This operand searches for cards with "Card Design By..." text on them.

  • d:"2003 World Champion" – gets all cards designed by 2003 World Champion

Pack Code (e)

Searching based on pack code

This operand searches for cards released in specific pack(s) (using the pack code rather than full name).

  • e:atg|cos – gets all cards from At the Gates and City of Secrets packs
  • e!vds – exclude Valyrian Draft Set cards from the search

Cycle Number (c)

Searching based on cycle number

This operand searches for cards released in specific cycle(s) (using the cycle number you can see on the cards page next to the pack name).

  • c:18 – gets all cards from cycle 18 (Redesigns)
  • c:3 – gets all cards from cycle 3 (Westeros Cycle)

Quantity printed in set (y)

Searching based on the quantity of each card printed in its set

This operand finds all cards that were printed in a given quantity in any set they were released in.

For most cards this value is 3.

  • y:3 – gets all cards that were printed in a group of 3 copies
  • y!3 – gets all cards that were not printed in a group of 3 copies