City Blockade

Rules FAQ

  • The word "cannot" is absolute, and cannot be countermanded by other abilities. In other words, City Blockade will always prevail over cards like Taxation or Elinor Tyrell.

  • The constant ability of City Blockade is already active when the When Revealed abilities of plots are resolved, so it will stop At the Gates from putting a limited location into play. In fact, if there are no City plot cards in that player's used pile, that player will not even be able to add the limited location to their hand. It will simply be shuffled back into the deck.

  • You cannot marshal or put into play limited cards even if they would enter play as a duplicate.

  • The phrase "marshaled, played, or put into play" covers almost every way in which a limited card could be "played" while this plot is revealed. The only way a limited card could enter play is if an effect that removed it from the game expires (for instance, Coldhands leaving play and a Lannisport Moneylender returning to play as a result).


Rules FAQ

  • You can reveal a card "at random" even if it is the only card remaining in that player's hand. If no opponent has any cards in hand, Greyscale cannot be triggered.

  • If Sweetrobin is in play, he can remove the card you reveal with Greyscale from the game. However, Greyscale still resolves as normal.

  • A character can be saved from the kill effect of Greyscale. If that happens, you still have to attach Greyscale to a different character, if able.

  • You can trigger Greyscale even if it is attached to a character that cannot be killed. If you reveal a card with an equal or higher printed cost than attached character's, the kill effect does not resolve, but Greyscale still moves (if it can).

  • If attached character is killed successfully, Greyscale is attached to a different character (if there is one) before the terminal keyword would cause it to be discarded from play.

  • When Greyscale is attached to a different character, it never leaves play, so it remains knelt.

  • The "otherwise" part only happens if you reveal a card with lower printed cost. It does not happen if the kill effect is unsuccessful.

  • In a Melee game, you do not have to choose the opponent who controls attached character. You can choose any opponent.

The Red Fork

Rules FAQ

  • If you win a challenge as the attacking player while you control The Trident, the forced reaction on The Trident will trigger first. If The Red Fork is also in play, you can sacrifice it and then immediately trigger it to put it back into play. But if The Red Fork is not in play at the time, you have to sacrifice something else first before you can put The Red Fork into play from your discard pile.

  • You can trigger The Red Fork even if you win a challenge as the defending player.

  • If you already own and control a copy of The Red Fork in play, you can still trigger it and put it into play as a duplicate. You can also trigger multiple copies of The Red Fork in the same reaction window.

Belligerent Heir

Rules FAQ

  • Sacrificing the character happens before reactions to winning or losing the challenge. A sacrificed character cannot be saved. (See Sacrifice.)

  • If you lose the challenge, the character is sacrificed even if it is no longer participating in the challenge, or if it has changed control in the meantime. But it is not sacrificed if it has left and re-entered play.

  • If the character cannot be sacrificed for some reason (for instance, due to The Crone or Summerhall (FtR)), it simply remains in play.

The Warden of the South

Rules FAQ

  • The attachment itself constitutes a card effect that increases attached character's STR. If it is attached to a kneeling character when it enters play, you can immediately trigger the reaction to stand attached character (this includes putting the attachment into play with Trading With Qohor or Valyrian Steel).

  • You cannot trigger the reaction after an effect that was reducing attached character's STR expires or stops applying. You also cannot trigger it if attached character's STR is prevented from actually being increased (for instance, while At the Palace of Sorrows is revealed).