Willas Tyrell

Rules FAQ

  • See Characters contributing their STR for some general rules related to Willas's ability.

  • Willas can contribute his STR to a challenge without actually participating as an attacker or defender. If that is the case, cards that interact with participating characters (for instance, Dracarys! or Areo Hotah (Core)) do not interact with Willas. You also cannot resolve his insight keyword.

  • If Willas himself is the character that is attacking or defending alone, his ability will still be active, but you only count his STR once when determining the winner of the challenge.

  • Any card ability that explicitly says a character does not contribute its STR to a challenge takes precedence over any card ability or framework effect that says the opposite. In other words, Willas will still not contribute his STR to a challenge while he has Traitor to the Crown attached. On the other hand, he will contribute his STR to a challenge in which a character is attacking or defending alone while Grand Melee is revealed.

Naught but Ashes

Rules FAQ

  • The chosen character gets -1 STR for each card that is in shadows at the time the event is played (the event itself no longer counts towards this number). The number is then fixed until the end of the phase, even if other cards subsequently enter or leave shadows.

  • You can play Naught but Ashes even if it is the only card in shadows, but it will not reduce the STR of the chosen character.

Daenerys Targaryen

Rules FAQ

  • An attacking character is any character that is participating in the challenge as an attacker. Do not count non-participating Bloodrider characters when counting how much power you gain. Note that Daenerys herself does not need to be participating in the challenge in order to trigger her reaction.

  • Any character that is participating in the challenge due to Overwhelming Numbers will still be in play at the time you can trigger the reaction.

  • Note that this version of Daenerys does not have the Stormborn trait, so cards that specifically refer to that trait do not interact with her.


Rules FAQ

  • You can include different versions of Ice in your deck (up to a total of 3 copies, by title). If you choose Valyrian Steel as your agenda, you can only include 1 card with the title "Ice" in your deck.

  • A different version of a unique card may be used as a duplicate on the card. The version of the card that was first in play remains as the active version once the duplicate is attached. A player may not switch a card with its duplicate. (See Duplicates.)

  • If you sacrifice Ice for Trading With Qohor, you cannot search for a different version of Ice. You have to search for an attachment with a different title.

  • You can trigger Ice after a character is saved from any effect that would cause it to leave play, not just from being killed.

  • If a character is saved from an effect that will also cause attached character to leave play (for instance, Valar Morghulis), the reaction of Ice creates a nested sequence that resolves before the original removal effect does. You do not need attached character to survive in order to trigger Ice.

  • You can save a character from the kill effect of Ice if you have multiple saves available. For example, if there is a character with a duplicate and a Bodyguard in play, you can first save that character from being killed by Valar Morghulis by using the Bodyguard. Ice then attempts to kill the character again, at which point you can use the duplicate to save the character from Ice. Since Ice is now knelt, its controller cannot trigger it again after the second save.

Galbart Glover

Rules FAQ

  • If an opponent marshals a character and then ambushes a character in the same round, both costs will be increased. Putting a character into play in some other way (for instance, with a card ability like Black Ears, or through shadows) does not constitute marshaling or ambushing that character and is unaffected by Galbart's ability.

  • If Galbart enters play after an opponent has already marshaled or ambushed their first character that phase, the cost of the next one they marshal or ambush will not be increased.