The Drowned God Wakes

Rules FAQ

  • In a Melee game, the "10 or more STR" comparison is made against the opponent with the next-highest total for dominance.

  • Each player chooses a character they control, in player order. Then, the effect resolves simultaneously on each other character in play. (See Priority of Simultaneous Resolution.)

  • The event can be played even if a player controls no characters in play. If a player is able to choose a character, they must do so even if they would prefer to have that character killed (for instance, if their only character is Lysa Arryn).

  • A character that is immune to events (like Stannis Baratheon (FotS)) will survive whether it is chosen by its controller or not. A character that "cannot be killed" will also survive and does not need to be chosen (but it can be, if you wish). A character that "cannot be saved" (like Jon Arryn) is a perfectly valid choice for this event, since choosing a character to be exempt from the upcoming kill effect is not the same as attempting to save that character.

  • The event is played after you gain 1 power for dominance. If Ser Andrey Dalt is killed by the event, you still do not gain power, because the step of gaining power for winning dominance has already passed.

  • You can play multiple copies of this event in the same reaction window.

Tarle the Thrice-Drowned

Rules FAQ

  • A character can be placed in your dead pile in one of two ways: by being killed, or by a card effect (like Nagga's Ribs). Tarle's reaction can be triggered in either case.

  • You cannot put a unique character into play with Tarle if there is another copy of it in your dead pile.

  • If the character cannot enter play (for instance, due to Barring the Gates or Iron Emmett), you cannot trigger Tarle.

  • For the post-then part of the effect, you can choose to kill the character you just put into play.

  • The character you kill in the post-then part of the effect can be saved.

  • If the character enters play as a duplicate, the post-then part of the effect does not resolve and you do not kill anything.

  • If you use Drowned Prophet to place a Drowned God character in your dead pile, then use Tarle to put that character into play, this will all happen before Drowned Prophet actually leaves play. That means you can then kill Drowned Prophet again in the post-then part of the effect, and trigger it again to put another character in your dead pile.

  • When a unique character leaves play, any duplicates on it are discarded at the same time. If such a duplicate is then placed in the dead pile by Nagga's Ribs and you trigger Tarle's reaction, the original character will be gone by the time the new one enters play.

  • If a character with Drowned God's Blessing attached is killed, you can trigger reactions to a Drowned God character being killed (for instance, Aeron Damphair (KotI)), but you cannot trigger reactions to a Drowned God character being placed in your dead pile if it does not have a printed instance of the trait.

The Laughing Storm

Rules FAQ

  • If you lose control of attached location, The Laughing Storm will become illegally attached and will get discarded. That also happens if The Laughing Storm's text box is blanked at any point (for instance, by Brother's Robes), because it will lose the play permission of being allowed to be attached to a location rather than a character. On the other hand, assaulting (or otherwise blanking) attached location will not cause The Laughing Storm to become illegally attached.

  • If attached location leaves play, The Laughing Storm return to its owner's hand.

  • The attachment stands and kneels independently of attached location.

  • Cards can be discarded "at random" from your hand for claim (even in the scenario where all the remaining cards are being discarded), or by an ability that specifically uses the phrase "at random". A card that is chosen to be discarded is not discarded at random.

  • If The Laughing Storm is standing and you win a challenge with The Hound (TtB), you cannot choose to keep him in play. Note that The Hound will always resolve first in this scenario, because forced reactions always resolve before optional ones. On the other hand, if you lose a challenge with Moon Boy, the forced reaction will not resolve if The Laughing Storm is standing.

  • You can trigger the reaction on attack or defence.

Ser Andrew Estermont

Rules FAQ

  • Andrew can use his ability to save himself, or to save an opponent's unique character.

  • Killing a R'hllor character is a cost, so you can only kill a character you control. That includes any character that is gaining the R'hllor trait from another source (like Red God's Blessing). If Andrew himself is gaining the trait, he can kill himself as well.

  • If multiple characters are being killed at the same time (for instance, to satisfy claim, or if Valar Morghulis is resolving), you can kill one of those characters to save another.

  • The character you kill as the cost of Andrew's ability cannot be saved.

  • You cannot attempt to use Andrew's ability against kill effects that "cannot be saved" just to gain 1 power. On the other hand, you can use it to save a character that cannot gain power (for instance, due to The Faith Militant or Karhold).

  • You can use Andrew to save a character from terminal burn if gaining 1 power will increase that character's STR above 0 (for instance, Ser Richard Horpe).

Banner of the Falcon

...why is this unplayable bad...keep trying to make a house Arryn deck and every time I do any agenda is better then this... am I missing something?