The man in this picture is so strong that he is pulling a warship onto the beach with one hand. He clearly works out and lives by the adage “No pain, no extra unopposed power gain”. The reason the income on this plot is so low is because he spent all your money on protein supplements and beard care products. He keeps it a secret though because Ironborn don’t pay the gold price for anything, let alone cosmetics. 2 claim is great tho. 10/10
Interrupt: When you gain power for winning an unopposed challenge, gain 2 power instead.
Link: Decklists

Rules FAQ
Rise of the Kraken triggers at step "U" in the DUCK acronym
Determine winner - this is where you'd trigger reactions to winning/losing, like Tears of Lys, Lannisport, and Ghaston Grey
Unopposed bonus - this is where you'd trigger reactions to claiming the unopposed bonus, like Rise of the Kraken
Claim - this is where you'd trigger reactions to claim, for example if a Lord or Lady is killed for military claim, Joffrey can trigger here
Keywords - finally, keywords and their reactions happen last, for example, when Robert gains a power for renown, you can trigger Lightbringer
It's a great card, on first glance. Unfortunately Clash of Kings is a better card in my opinion. First of all it triggers in defense as well as in offense, also when you are behind you have +1 Initiative +2 Gold +1 Reserve compared to the Rise of the Kraken. The trigger of the card is also easier to fulfill. On paper it looks better because of the 2 Claim value, in practice it often left me alone when i needed to play catch up. I strongly recommend playing with Clash of King instead for afromentioned reasons, by the time you can trigger the Kraken card 2-3 times unopposed without needing money to build your board chances are you're already winning.