House Baratheon. Non-Loyal.
Character. Cost: 6. STR: 5.

Lady. R'hllor.


Reaction: After you win an challenge in which Melisandre is attacking, move 1 power from a character controlled by the losing opponent to Melisandre. Then, if that character has no power, kill it.

Michael Komarck
Fury of the Storm #3.

Link: Decklists


Does the target character need to have a power on it to be able to kill it or can you move 0 power and then kill it?

Toaster 35
Need to fulfill the first part, which is moving power. So no. — Euro Bruh 90

Rules FAQ

  • If you were not able to move a power from a character controlled by the losing opponent to Melisandre, you have not met the pre-than condition and thus you do not get to kill that character.
  • Her ability does not target a character, as such the ability cannot be cancelled with Fear Cuts Deeper Than Swords or redirected with High Septon.
  • Power tokens on a character that is immune to character abilities are not immune to being moved by Melisandre. However, Melisandre cannot kill that character after the last power is taken due to the immunity. (Ex: A defending character with Dragonglass Dagger attached)