Location. Cost: 5.

King's Landing.

Reaction: After a King's Landing location enters play, kneel it to draw 1 card. (Limit twice per round.)

Marshaling Action: Kneel a King's Landing location to gain 1 gold. (Limit twice per phase.)

Ted Nasmith
Bran the Builder #26.

Link: Decklists

King's Landing

Rules FAQ

  • You can only draw a card if a King's Landing location enters play under your control, since you cannot pay costs with an opponent's game elements. Same goes for the Marshaling Action to gain gold, you can only kneel locations you control.

  • You can kneel King's Landing itself for both abilities.

  • You can draw a card each time Alchemists' Guildhall or Tunnels of the Red Keep come out of shadows, but of course you then cannot use the abilities on those cards until they stand again.

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