The Night's Watch. Non-Loyal.
Event. Cost: 1.

Play only if you control Castle Black or The Wall.

Challenges Action: Choose an attacking character with more than 1 challenge icon, and remove it from the challenge. If that character does not have the Army or Wildling trait, stand it.

Melle (Midjourney)
The Spoils of War #15.

Link: Decklists

Defending the Wall

Rules FAQ

  • A character is considered to have a challenge icon or to not have that icon. A single character that has and/or is gaining the same challenge icon from multiple sources functions as if it has one instance of that icon. (See Challenge Icons.)

  • You can play this event even if you are the attacking player, in case you want to stand one of your attacking characters and remove it from the challenge. In a melee game, you can play it even if you are neither the attacking nor the defending player.

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