House Martell. Non-Loyal.
Attachment. Cost: 1.

Legacy. Title.

Attached character gains pillage.

Reaction: After you win a challenge in which attached character is participating, discard the top card of your deck to choose a character controlled by the losing opponent. Until the end of the phase, that character loses a challenge icon of your choice.

Stephen Patane (Midjourney)
Fire Upon the Grass #48.

Link: Decklists

Vulture King

Rules FAQ

  • A character is considered to have a challenge icon or to not have that icon. A single character that has and/or is gaining the same challenge icon from multiple sources functions as if it has one instance of that icon. (See Challenge Icons.)

  • You can choose any icon, even if the chosen character currently has no instances of that icon.

  • You can trigger reactions like Sandstone in the same reaction window, after you have triggered Vulture King.

  • If you remove an icon that would cause the only remaining defender not to contribute its STR to the challenge in which The Red Viper (OR) is attacking, it will not retroactively make the challenge unopposed.

  • If the losing opponent controls no characters, you cannot trigger the reaction just to discard the top card of your deck.

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