Please make a competitive Stark deck together

Card draw simulator
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Please make a competitive Stark deck together 0 0 0 1.0
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Nemesis21829 1

I want to make a competitive Stark deck, but I'm a beginner, please help me.

1 comment

hagarrr 835

The characters of the deck don't seem bad, but you do look economy light for competitive games. I personally would remove Iron Throne, Wolf in the Night, and For the North! for 3 more economy locations (go to 3x Roseroad and 3x Kingsroad for example).

I believe Stark to be generally constructive with their board states too, and like to build a board to win the game. To that end, I would also remove Valar Dohaeris, probably for Wardens of the North (play out Ice and bring Catelyn into the challenge with the plot is an old play but a good play!)

Hope that helps :)