No hand, no hope

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Gunit 3

A pretty straightforward deck that tries to destroy your opponent's hand while constantly refilling yours. Character selection doesn't require a lot of explanation, I think. Maester Lomys plus Lannisport means that your opponent needs to really think about whether they want to engage you in Intrigue challenges at all - it isn't that hard to make A Game of Thrones impossible for your opponent to get through. If we were allowed to take two copies of that I would in a heartbeat.

The various economy cards are mostly two-ofs to try and reduce hand flooding. You should still have enough money to play what you want even without the third Lannisport Moneylender or The Kingsroad.

So far this deck has either created a favorable board position by the third-fourth turn (cards in your hand, none in opponent's, and you can at least withstand military challenges without getting pulverized) or ran into trouble right out the gate and couldn't maintain presence. Calm Over Westeros and A Game of Thrones are the main tools to try and avoid that second outcome.

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