Pixiu: Fortune & Fire [Targ+BoL]

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Pixiu: Fortune & Fire [Targ+BoL] 0 0 1 1.0
Inspiration for
Pixiu: Fortune & Fire [Targ+BoL] 0 0 0 3.0

Calonyr11 1

Final reincarnation for 12/19/15 pandemonium tourney 1-4 (1 bye, 1 mod loss, 1 casual/non tourney loss)

  • Sneak attack backfired most of the time, try playing earlier
    Weak against a well played wildfire, can Joff help?
    Taxation was a surprisingly underrated success on multiple occasions
    Rethink only two drogon
    rethink not including Syrio’s training, would have been great on daeny, Tyrian, illyrio and handmaiden in a pinch.
    If add noble lineage & Syrio’s training, to help Jaime, might merchant and vaes dothrak be more valuable? Or just a totally diff deck idea?
    Maybe only one ser jorah?
    Economy seems to need tweaking esp late game, post wildfire
    Re-eval tears
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