Here to pillage

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Neoptolemos 794

Well, I think that everyone knows, that Conclave is currently amazing agenda. It's brilliant in Baratheon, interesting in Tyrell, Targ and Lanni, and definitely VERY useful for GJ.

This is the deck which I have barely tested, but with amazing results (it is able to win t2 if everything is set up well). I played it in Das Turnier von Hohenfelde ( and made 4-1, losing only last round due to quite huge misplays (I was too overconfident and Radek punished me for that). It is simple pillage deck, an idea derived from my Fealty deck from Polish Grands (

I would really want to add 3rd candle, more Maesters and some location control (probably WDNS, maybe Nightflyer), but deck is so tight, that I can hardly make space for them. Riddle is opener in general, but probably sometimes you would like something less risky, I think that Time of Plenty would be best. I also really miss Fishmonger's Square, I love this card, but Conclave version is so fast and has too good draw to need it (and it's bad card for early game).

Enjoy! Conclave FTW

1 comment

Diomedes 3337

Nice work as always, Neo! :)