Autoplay White Swords (Polish Grands 2020 top16)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Neoptolemos 794

Welcome back after long break! I haven't played too much since the last World Cup, but tried to keep up with redesigns and new cards from Forgotten Heroes and Jade Sea packs. Although I didn't practice almost at all, @Makak convinced me to take part in Polish Grand Championship 2020 (not 2021 yet, since we didn't have Grands last year due to pandemic). Because of my lack of recent experience, I have chosen to stay with a deck which I'm quite used to play - White Book Tyrell. With just a few differences from my World Cup deck, suprisingly I managed to make the cut and become the best Tyrell - which accidentally was amongst the most popular factions. I didn't make my revenge on @Diomedes for beating me in the 2019 Polish Grands, but making better Tyrell result is enough for me ;)

Round 1 - Stelios DWDW win Well, having White Swords Tower in setup against DWDW is a nice advantage. Balon Swann have arrived on board in turn 1 already and together with Loras gave me a quite fast win. Sadly it wasn't good tournament for Baratheons.

Round 2 - Tamas Valyrian Steel loss This game was over in second plot. Tamas already had the Wall, Benjen Lord Commander, lot of small dudes and my Renly got a Craven. I had just a few Kingsguards and wasn't able to force more than 1 challenge per turn. When Halder arrived, the game was closed.

Round 3 - NiL Sun loss I didn't expect burn with a Martell banner, but I thought my White Swords Tower would save me a lot of trouble in Targaryen matchup. Unfortunately for me NiL got quick Astapor and duped Drogon (+ other dupes, while I didn't drew any of them) and he was able to wipe my board with Valar and finish with the beast. I've saved most of my power with Compelled, but wasn't able to survive more.

Round 4 - Jeff Greensight win I assume it was big Wall deck, but happily the Wall didn't show up and I put a lot of characters in my discard just to be safe. Quite fast game, my opponent had no arguments to survive the knights assault. I really like the Meddling + Crow is a Tricksy Bird combo, though.

Round 5 - Vlado Aloof win This was quite an interesting game, which went in my favor due to A Pinch of Powder. Bouncing duped Khal Drogo not only bought me time, but also gave crucial power tokens due to Aloof effect. During last turn my opponent had already Daenerys, Drogon, Daario and some other guys, but I had 14 power and he had to defend every single challenge. Definitely I wouldn't survive another turn - but this is the point of "grab & go" deck.

Round 6 - DrBoeserich Xing win Very interesting game, in which I was able to fully see the potential of Dywen combined with Jon Snow. I made a lot of points early in this game (winning initiative was crucial) and forced my opponent to play YWOYD early. His Relentless Assault combined with stealthing Barristan (who really wanted to save someone!) costed me lives of many good knights, but thankfully I was able to win initiative next turn and make all-in challenge for the last power, defended only by Benjen and some Ranging Parties. Forcing Dywen and Benjen to kneel with Forced March was the gamechanger as well.

Top 16 - Odrl Brotherhood One of the best games that I ever had in AGoT. Miha had really amazing deck, voltroning Anguy with Ser Pounce, Widow's Wail, Casterly Rock and Quiet as a Shadow (sic!). Combined with Jaime and Shae, he was able to fully utilize plots such as King in the North and Withering Cold. On the other hand I had 2 Green-Apple Knights and Loras to stand my kingsguarhds, so every single challenge phase was really a tough calculation. Forced March was also amazing in this game, pinching Jamie 3 times (2 dupes!) as well. In sixth plot I've managed to make 14 power, but when Miha counterattacked, he turned the tide and I was losing 13-14. In seventh plot I've played everything and went first, but Miha drew Myrcella and Joffrey and got 1 STR more in power, which was enough to stop me. Also his Hound saved him a lot earlier in the game. I was struggling with economy this game and got really unfortunate discard - if my Nightmares would have stayed in my hand, I would blank Lem Lemoncloak and win te last power challenge. That being said, it was a fair loss against an amazing deck and great player.

I'm pretty sure that this deck wasn't perfectly optimized. With the cards from Jade Sea White Book will be really insane, though; we will probably see a better version really soon. Anyway, I had a great time this tournament, thanks to all my opponents and Makak.

See you soon!


Odrl 1249

Thanks for the kind words. I agree completely, our top 16 game was one of the best games ever for me too. :) Those Green-Apple Knights were really strong, so I tried really hard to intimidate them on The Withering Cold turn, and then you hit me with Forced March to get rid of my two non-kneelers. :) I was lucky to topdeck the better cards in the end.

Congratulations for the nice result. I look forward to seeing what this deck can do with Ser Boros Blount and Ser Bryce Caron. :)

Diomedes 3337

Congrats Neo for best Tyrell!

I guess I need to refine my Ladies deck. ;)

Argorius 1

Waiting for Jade Sea version xD