Bouncing Summer - Stahleck Top Cut

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Reader 298

This is the Stark build that earned me a place in the cut at Stahleck 22. The greatest tournament, the most wonderful venue and TO's. I was really pleased with the deck and happy with my performance.

I was initially looking to play NW, as I wanted to play as many fun new cards as possible, but I was also working on a Stark Fealty deck for my 11 year old son, who has started playing the game this year. So far he has played Stark Crossing in all his tournaments and I wanted him to start on a new agenda. In the end, I felt that this deck had a greater way of handling the meta, with answers to everything except maybe Negs. People who worked on the deck with me at various times include Richard Walker, Chris Meeuwsen and Lemming, so thanks to these fine gentlemen... and Richard!

The deck is a challenge based deck with meta control. Most enjoyable interaction being Greywind repeatedly cancelling opponents character triggers by returning Summer to hand, to then re-trigger Summer. Having Cat with Stealth was also very useful.

More important to me though, was that every single opponent was a joy, all with cool decks and fun games. Not a single negative experience. The meta also felt quite balanced.

The deck went 6-2 in Swiss, losing to Stark Crossing in the opening and third games. Wins against GJ Fealty, GJ Sun, GJ Lion, NW Aloof, Tyrell Aloof, Martell Mummers.

Lost in the cut to Bara Qohor

My fave deck to face, and toughest game to win was against the GJ Lion piloted by Jevgenijs Kučkovskis. I really hope Jevgenijs posts his deck on DB.

Sorry that I do not have time for a bigger run down or report. I would be happy discussing games, the event, the deck in the comments.

See you all next year... keep playing real cards!!!


TRYHRDRf1sh 35

Good thing I cancelled A time for wolves then :D

Reader 298

Hey TRYHRDRf1sh, which match up was that?

TRYHRDRf1sh 35

Martell Mummers - did not save me though… ;)

Reader 298

Ah yes! Hi Jacob.

Flayer round 1 on Shagwell, then Ricasso round 2. Frozen Solid on your Water Gardens too. I came to Stahleck not wanting to lose to Mummer's. You were a good sport and a gentleman though


Great deck! :-)