Family Matters

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

duhrel 3

I might be biased, but I'd say Greyjoy is one of the strongest factions to take advantage of the Fealty Agenda right out of the gate next to Targaryen. Balon, Euron, and Great Kraken are solid with available econ to play them out reliably, and it's always fun to play We Do Not Sow without any gold (only to have old Crow's Eye bring it back in for you with his ability). They leave a very tempo based impression, so once you get things going you have to keep it up otherwise.


  1. Don't be afraid to let a big boy die if it means sacking Milk of the Poppy; just ensure you can keep Dominance with Damphair.
  2. Similarly, don't be afraid to not dupe if it means being able to put someone back out after you March them to the Wall.
  3. Power Challenges are your key to victory. Dig for Superior Claim if you can.
  4. Greyjoy events, in general, are powerful. It's difficult to keep them given the lack of Intrigue but the high Initiative on most of the plots should get you a window to plop cards down.
  5. Careful not to flood your board. Wildfire is a very real threat that can steal tempo from you if you're not ready to win in the next two rounds.

If anyone else has tips to share I'd love to hear them. I'm an A:NR player coming over to AGoT 2.0 and always looking for new tech.

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