
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.


72 cards?

HenchMachine 1

@Dave007 Yeah so I was just trying out some new cards I have since thinned the deck I only published on here so my friend could make it with their cards. But I have since taken out 3 Warhammers, 3 Saving the Kingdom and 3 Dragonstone faithful's. Whilst adding in a 3rd Iron throne as well as adding in Core Selyse. As well as taking out fallen from favour, Trading with the Pentoshi and Peace and prosperity for Marching Orders, Siege Preparations And Wildfire assault. There are many other changes that could be made to improve the deck such as removing Edric Storm and possibly Stannis, I play in a small friend group so it's not super competitive and I found the deck really fun and Having Lots of cards isn't too bad with siege preparations and Tobho Mott's Armory you can get through the deck reasonably well as well as in a melee Master of Laws doesn't go a miss, sorry for the long reply


Thanks for you long reply. 😀