Targ Wolf 8 Regents

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Johannes 441

It's been a while since 8 Regents finished and I've forgot to publish the decks I used. Most people are probably hot for those Stahleck decks but let's go anyway :)

This deck idea started with Khal Drogo (Core) and Eddard Stark (WotN) going to town as Queensguard. That turned out to be bit difficult, since it's harder to get draw for Queensguard now days with all the restrictions. I put in Dragon Egg for insight but I ended up drawing attachment when I wanted characters and didn't have enough econ to play everything. Or when I got things I wanted, a reset hit me hard. So I decided to drop Queensguard as a restricted card and go with You Win Or You Die and The Wolf King. Then I just threw in big bodies and small lords and ladies for Heir to the Iron Throne. And since we were playing against GJ, 3xSer Rolly Duckfield and couple of Bodyguards.

In my game against Ketal deck ran very smoothly. I established a good board, got ahead and had enough saves to stop a good reset and just cruised to victory. The deck has poor match ups for sure but I think it's actually good deck outside 8 Regents tournament and specific match up.

1 comment

SonOfBattles1 464

Once again, bravo @Johannes. I believe this was a deck that you cobbled together while traveling for Estonian Nats. It's super impressive that you were able to build viable Targ decks with unorthodox agendas often with little testing. Keep publishing the lists! - Peter