Somone always tells - Prague Regional Winner

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Martozar 306

Here's the deck I played to win Prague Regional

It's classic "big dudes" Martell with Old Hawk as an additional win condition. Aloof and Apart helps a lot with the economy, allowing to play multiple big guys in one turn. Arianne Martell (JtO) might seem like a weird choice in Aloof, but Insight is the main reason to play her, although I think Arianne Martell (PoS) might also be a valid choice. In the first version of the deck, I also played The Greenblood and double Trade Routes (R), but it's been proven less stable than double Calling the Banners and The Greenblood is too expensive for what it does.

1 comment

Req 33

Thanks for your opinion on The Greenblood. I'm so sad it's basically unplayable since its release