Cat Content - 2nd Place German Nationals 2024

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
7K - Lannisport People‘s Front - Brotherhood 1 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

yakushika 31


Any 4 cards setup is in most of the matchups fine. Because economy is tight, you should mulligan if there is no economy. Try not to setup ser pounce, most of the times you want to ambush him in challenge phase.

Opening Plots:

Maiden is the obvious choice. If you have a real bad mulligan, you can try to get an advantage first round by choosing You win or you die, then maiden and recover your hand with the agenda by choosing insight.

Other Plots:

At the palace of sorrows: easy math on big boards or massive advantage on small boards against big dudes. Former Champions getting instantly an power icon and stealth. Easy round against Targ burn.

Duel: could be game changing just have an eye on the high reserve value when the crow killers are on the board.

The king in the north: most of the cards have passive abilities so you don’t get hit so hard. Just remember that you can’t use Podrick Payne and Thoros of Myr which could be risky. It is important for matchups like Lanni Clansmen to have a turn to rearrange you.

Mad King’s Command: in most cases you don’t want to have big boards, just be sure to win initiative or at least have Podrick Payne in hand or Thoros on the Board to save your important characters.

You win or you die: the use of the plot is well known, max out the claim with Castamere. It is useful to be sure that the Crow killers are not kneeling.


Try to get the most out of your non-kneelers and the keyword of the agenda. Don’t focus too much on intimidate. The first round it’s better to choose insight, to get your pieces together. Initiative is the key to win most of the games.

Key cards:

Ser Pounce (in addition with boots): obvious choices are: Anguy or Lem Lemoncloak but Balerion or Gunthor could also be a nice surprise. Most of the time you want to ambush the cats in challenge phase, only if you expect something like Red Priest you should marshal them.

Crow Killers: they are strong in the deck and very unexpected. Most of the plot choices are made with an eye on the lower reserve values, so be careful with Maiden, King in the North and Duel. Blood Raven could help to make the right choice.

Tormund Giantsbane is strong on his own but he shows his full potential as a supporter for the crow killers to give them +2 and renown for their multiple challenges. Many opponents doesn’t know that you could use Tormund’s ability on any wildling.

Myrcella/Casterly Rock: for doing up to five challenges with the non-kneelers. You could use Myrcella’s ability in defense and in power challenges which could be surprising.

Other important cards:

Ghost of High Heart: important in Targ Burn matchups which is not a good matchup for the deck. But helpful in any matchup.

Gunthor Son of Gurn: helpful against control and other slow decks with ser pounce you can destroy the hand very easy. Important in first snow turns (like Balerion and Hound too).

Thoros of Myr: helpful to save the non-kneelers in VM turns or if you play Mad King and lose the initiative to save characters from mil claim in the challenge phase (in this case Podrick Payne is helpful too).

Castamere: It’s most of the time a threat which lead the opponent to ineffective decisions useful in Mad King’s and You win or you die turns. For this tournament I only triggered it once as far as I remember.

Nightmares/Hand’s Judgement/Treachery: I needed them all if you want to cut something, maybe Hand’s Judgement but for burn matchups you really need them.


Team Martell 2024 1

Congrats for your great performance! Would you change anything after the tournament?

yakushika 31

@Team Martell 2024 thank you, it was a close decission if battle of the camps or battle on the green fork is the better plot. After the tournament I still don't know :-). Battle of the camps is the better plot if the oponent has a strong board and lot of dupes/claimsoak and it has reserve 5 which is better for the crow killers. But with battle on the green fork you could instantly decide games if the timing is right (up to 5 challenges, mil claim 6 possible with castamere). But most of the times if you are slightly behind this plot isn't that usefull because if the oponnent can defend most of the challenges your claim sucks.

Feuerbart 76

well done! such a great final, so close. great run and cool to see such a deck go so far.

Req 7

Played against you online and I was surprised by the deck, strong and unexpected. Congrats on the creative deckbuilding!

Is an instant loss facing First Snow?

yakushika 31

@Req thank you, first snow is indeed bad. You need a little bit of luck to draw dupes or have at least an ambush character and Ser Pounce. As far as I remember I faced first snow two times in the tournament and won both games.

dude_arya 1

gotta love a cat themed deck no matter what! so fun and cool good job