Yo, it's me, prince GG

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

DAWGiannisis 2

Hey! made this one just today. Gorold is obviously stupidly good and widely used so I wondered if there was a prince deck with him. Surprisingly I couldn't find anything, so I made this. If you manage to have both gg and his iron fleet then it's incredible how fast he can steamroll, standing time after time, especially if you slap a couple of candles and give him an intrigue icon with appointed. The reader helps draw or get extra discards to stand gg. A couple of milks and nightmares to make it competitive and it can work wonders. Of course if you don't crush the opposition quickly there is a good chance you'll be crushed yourself. Definitely a momentum deck. But definitely open to suggestions, it was just made after all

1 comment

Req 7

Have you thought of Ghost of High Heart? Even if you don't get the strength bonus you'll have another tool for putting a location in discard pile and standing the prince