Soldiers Don't Win Wars, Armies Win Wars

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

mr_nips 2

Heres a fun one I've built in the last week or so. Feel like no one that I've seen has used UtR to build an Army deck. Considering Aegon (the best non-Army card for Armies) and Windblown (the best Army card for Armies) are both non-loyal, it had to be done. I dabbled with a NW version before realizing both Great Ranging and Aegon are restricted. I dabbled with a Bara version bc, after Great Ranging, Stannis' Host is probably the best 8 cost army. But in the end I settled on this Lanni version bc I deemed Burning Bright as too important to not include.

This is just an idea that I'm sure a more experienced player can execute better. You might be asking yourself, why Jinglebell? To be honest, a deck without at least one Frey card just doesnt feel like a deck worth playing (I am biased). Please, someone better than me take this framework and make it elite, I'd love to see it.


Marco Martell 80

"No one that I've seen has used UtR to build an Army deck" - I guess War Scorpions and Valar Morghulis are discouraging enough, but thanks for sharing.

DayneNight 17

Perhaps include Brave Companions to help guarantee finding characters to refill the board after a reset as well as King's Landing (SoKL) to help pay for it. Also consider Last of the Giants for some of your lower level neutral cards. Your armies should be plenty strong and having MIL claim + Intimidate might help level the field.